thanks Falco. I will look into the Tuscon unit. How come you chose that one and not Phoenix? Also- if you get deployed, how can you deal with school? Do you just flunk out of the semester?
I agree with the other statements. AETC units still get deployed. And with the way things are going now adays deployment is happening more and more. Our unit has been on active duty since Sept 01 and just came off this month, but hearing rumors of activation again next month.
I would strongly agree on getting in the guard, because it will help out with college tuition and also helps you with your flying.
If you are in the guard and qualified in the aircraft or if you are doing something else in the guard and you are called to active duty you must go. Now we had guys in school who's proffesors allowed them to postpone until they came back or they would be allowed to retake the class when they get back. For our guys they had to start over in the class.
But you must show the university and proffesors the copy of the orders.
2.) I knew that I had less of a chance being deployed while I was still in school and I knew that I had to get my degree if I wanted to be a pilot.
You can always enlist in Tucson and apply for a pilot slot for Phoenix. I know a few dudes who have done this. You could also apply to Tucson for a fighter slot if you did this.
I just to happened to speak with a certain Lt. Col from the PHX Guard tonight at a dinner party. I asked him about the deployment rate at Phoenix, and he told me that there were actually a few guys trying to get pilot slots that are enlisted in the unit, but they are having a hard time finishing college because of the deployments they have had.
I have been in Tucson for over 3 years in the engine shop. Number of deployments I have been ordered to: 0. Something to think about.
If deployed while in college, it is your responsibility to figure out what to do about school. If it's late in the semester, some profs might be willing to let you take your finals early, etc. But it's gonna be hard to convince a teacher to work with you if it's early in the semester. You probably would have to withdraw from classes in that case.
Like I said, PM me and I'll be happy to give you more details about enlisting.
Enlisting in the guard is a great choice. Like Flaco and 141, I have done the same. I now have a pilot slot in IL with my unit.
Deployments can suck. The thing is a lot of the time you can work your deployments when you are off school for the summer. That is what I did. A lot of units are helpful with this. The other side is that out of the blue, like the current, certian jobs like security forces got called up for two years. That means they are on active duty, putting their school and civillan jobs off tell they are let off active duty. The thing is, this is the first time this has happened since the gulf war. It is not the norm, but can happen.
Take a look at the all the jobs open. if you don't want to deploy stay away from Security Forces, Fire dept., and aircrew. They tend to deploy the most. But on the other hand I think you can gain a lot of good and real world experience from going on deployments.
If you are really interested in the PHX unit and want to be a pilot, I would look at doing aircrew. Tankers have enlisted aircrew members and I think you would then be a shoe in for a pilot slot if you have served as a member of the aircrew and then want to be a pilot, but it is not necessary. I just personally think aircrew is the life is where it is at. Get to fly to cool places and get flight pay.
Flaco those are some good reasons- so I will give Tucson a thought. What is or was your job? I wanted to be enlisted in the aircrew cause I figured that would be a great experience, and it would help me get a pilot slot, however some good points were brought up about aircrew being called to active duty more than other jobs. Is this correct? If so, should I choose another job, so I can finish my school? You all have been a great help.
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