- Joined
- Jul 12, 2008
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The vote is over and although it was closer than I suspected it would be, the end result is that ultimately the majority of your pilots voted to be represented by a union. This doesn't give the competition a leg-up unless you let it. If you value open communication, give ALL of the pilots access to Yammer. Please note that you are still free to offer us a raise and offer to match our 401K contributions, if you so wish. Let's project to the marketplace that we can be the leader you proclaim we can. Let's move forward. Let's not take all the rhetoric personally. Let's both negotiate hard for what is important to each group, but please contact our union leadership and find the common ground. "What's past is prologue" is a famous Shakespearean quotation, but we have studied our history and we are not doomed to repeat it. So, let's prove it wrong together. How this whole thing plays out from here, is mostly dependent upon you, our management. I sincerely hope you are the true leaders that you project yourselves to be, because the fate of this company and the future of all of it's employee's, largely resides in your hands. Prove the nay-sayer's and doubter's wrong. Inspire ALL of us, and prove that you are the real leaders that you proclaim to be so we can find a way to kick some A$$ in the market place together. This can still be a win-win if we all put our ego's aside and work together.