Not many Part 135 pilots have jumpseat priveleges with airlines. Larger ones, such as Ameriflight and Airnet have some, because they have enough routes that they can have some value to recriprocate to the airline pilots. AMF has J/S privileges with SWA, Horizon, most cargo operators that we contract with, such as UPS and DHL. After 9/11, we could no longer jump with SKW. Also, after 9/11 we are cabin only on SWA, but from what I understand, cockpit is only available to SWA pilots, all others have to have a seat available in the back. Some other airlines we don't have formal agreements with, but they let us on. The bottom line, the terrorists made our jumpseating less convenient and more restrictive, but I still have no problem traveling for free when I plan ahead. AMF goes just about everywhere in the western U.S., and has coast to coast Lear flights. So just on our own planes we can get around. We don't do much weekend flying, that is usually when I J/S the airlines.