It is interesting to note that about 5-6 months ago there was a newspaper article that implied AMR was thinking of selling AE based on some quote by the CFo that was probably taken out of context. The next day AE mgmt sent out mass emails, postings on the company web site, crew lounges, etc stating that this wasnt the view the company intended to portray and they had no plans to sell AE. Fast forward to today, and we have quotes taken from an earnings conference call with the CEO saying:
If AE was spun off, it could be as a way to get around the APA scope clause to fly bigger a/c without restrictions. I would guess that if APA isnt willing to flex on scope, then AE will be spun off and fly bigger a/c while the AA MD80 fleet is reduced. Either way, AMR wants AE to fly bigger planes for cheap rates. The only thing APA can do it decide if they will allow scope changes and get some pay raise in return, or have the company do it anyway by spinning AE off.
How would being sold off allow you to get around APA's Scope? Yeah you would be able to bid for other airlines flying but the Scope Clause would still be in effect.