I'd say lucky you. You havn't needed LOL, LTD, had a grievance, bent any metal and needed a lawyer, or had an accident at work. Ever slip in an icy glycol mix and break a shoulder? How long till you get a medical back? well here you'd be lucky to still qualify for cobra.
Alpa not needed for any of this, but it could use some help.
I guess your company gave you all that stuff in the contract voluntarily.
Work rules, trip rigs, min gurantees, 401K, vacation, yea you've had non of that in 10years right? Just curious what would ya pay to birth a child on your plan?
Given most of this, sometimes more, sometimes less than what Alpa provided. And didn't have to pay the 1-2% to get it.
Merge yet? How'd that work out?
How did it work out for the TWA guys??
You've got alot more at your disposal with alpa than the average bear.
Very true, but is it worth it? Not sure at this point.
But your blanket statment that ALPA has done nothing... even if your contract is concessionary(how would that have gone without them) is far from true.
Independent unions have faired far better than anyone in Alpa for a long time.
Don't get me wrong, Alpa has definitely made strides since the beginning of aviation, but they have also moved back quite a bit from where they were. They are no longer the power house they used to be. Perhaps Moak can bring them back.
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