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ALPA and SkyWest

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bmpilot2003, only the Pres and VP get 105 when they are not flying the line. The Sec. gets half that when not flying the line. The rest of the 16 reps only get trips covered (when we are not short) with pay and as stated before do a lot more work than they are paid for trips covered.
Nope the old hard line system is what was really broke. PBS fixed that. Huh, and here I thought every pilot group that is being pushed to get PBS is trying to stick to hard lines. You are in the minority here. No more boring predictable months doing the same thing over and over. No more having to sacrifice an entire month just to get days off you need. No more having to do stricty standups, 2-days, 3-days or 4-days. I have gained a lot since PBS has come on board. Vacation accrual is not compatible with the new vacation bidding system under PBS. CN code has screwed MANY pilots by making them fly when they were senior enough to hold those days off under the old system, and best of all? NO JR MAN PAY!! I can live with the new cancellation policy. After all you can't be in two places at once correct? As long as we are guaranteed what we were supposed to make I am ok with that. You can't be getting paid to do nothing all the time. The new interpretation is correct. If they go back to the old way I most certainly will not complain however. It's not my fault that they agreed to pay us the way they had, but they DID agree. If they want to change it, they need to give us something in return. Lately it's been all take and no give. The fact is diversions happen pretty rarely. I have not had one in a few months now. Once again, it's all about you. You are the most selfish poster I have seen yet on this site. And that's saying a lot. What is ALPA exactly going to do to fix that? Grieve it and hear back a year or two later? ALPA wouldn't have to fix it: we would have a contract. That means that both parties are legally bound to uphold their agreement, unlike what we have now. And where did you get "a year or two?" Do you think SkyWest's system is any better? I've filed some complaints that took about a year. How many PICs have you filed? By that time a lot of the pilots affected would probably be gone to another airline so its a moot point anyway. The grievance system is broke

I have no hope for you. You believe so strongly that no amount of logic is going to sway you. I just hope some of the fence-sitters that read this see that when you look at this objectively, you are wrong.
My response was to state that they are getting paid, and not really unpaid "volunteers" as you implied!

I should have said most are volunteers. Still they did origionally volunteer to become a rep and were elected into the paid position. The pres. is now elected by the whole pilot group and the VP and Sec. are elected within SAPA.
I think the vast majority of union reps/volunteers will say that they spend far more time working on their days off than times that they are covered by trip loss pay. Even when they do get trip loss pay, they just break even and miss out on any overblock/premium pay and the like. The number of pilots on full time trip loss pay at any property is pretty low... most are truly volunteers.

Of course if you think it's such a good deal then you are free to volunteer your services! Your pilot group will appreciate your service.

Last time I checked...we didn't have a union to volunteer for smart guy!I'll give you a hint(we're talking about SAPA)!
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What is ALPA exactly going to do to fix that? Grieve it and hear back a year or two later? By that time a lot of the pilots affected would probably be gone to another airline so its a moot point anyway. The grievance system is broke

The grievance system isn't broke. It's efficiency is based in part on the quality of your representatives. In addition, grievances are basic and fundamental rights.

The sanitation workers fought the city of Memphis for these basic rights. They went on strike and it became quite a moment in the Civil Rights movement. MLK came to Memphis to address the issue and was killed. There is a street in Memphis off Beale called Nov 6th. It recognized the sanitation workers (all black men) who fought for the basic and fundamental right to address grievances.

Like any bonafide legal process it takes time. Grievances are not something you can order at the drive -thru. In addition what can make the grievance process slow is not ALPA, but the Railway Labor Act.

I don't know much about the PIC process at SKW.

Do the pilots at SKW have a cadre of experienced labor counsel, who are true unionists, to see the grievance process through?

Do the SKW pilots have a System Board of Adjustment so their grievances can be addressed, if they don't agree with their supervisors opinion?

Do the SKW pilots have a way for a third party arbitrator to rule on their grievances if they don't like the vote of the System Board of Adjustment?
This is very important is terms of not allowing any company to set precedence for improper firing, pilot pushing (violating PIC authority) and significant pay issues. It is also very important for individuals to be able to have a structured method that is controlled by the company to address their concerns.

What is a Skywest pilot to do if they feel they are being pushed around or abused or harassed???

Right now nothing!!!! You have no rights!

Most of you are sitting there saying "so, I don't get harassed or any of that" and "I don't need ALPA or any union messing up Skywest"

Well, I am sure there are a few at Skywest who feel they weren't treated fairly or were fired for something they felt was beyond their control. They have no way to fight it. If you were the one in the sights of the Skywest management team you would love some sort of representation. It is this "it isn't going to happen to me" attitude that is going to be your down fall at Skywest. You need a union for your own protection.

The grievance process that Res. talked about, although it can be slow, it also gives you a chance to stop abuse and get some power on your side.
bmpilot2003, only the Pres and VP get 105 when they are not flying the line. The Sec. gets half that when not flying the line. The rest of the 16 reps only get trips covered (when we are not short) with pay and as stated before do a lot more work than they are paid for trips covered.

The Sec stays home and gets paid 105 hours to watch the kids and occasionally field a phone call.
When was the last time anyone saw him fly a trip?
He's usually 3 or 4 months behind on getting the minutes published.

Maybe MN will get him replaced if he's elected.
Visit www.mn.com
You'll have to spell out his name though.
I believe we are given a fair shake here, despite what all the anti-company types on here claim. ask them about DD, who will probably win a large settlement and be able to retire early. he was treated wrongly, got an attorney, and in my estimation will gain a huge settlement. all without the supposed 'protection' of ALPA.

That's great for DD.
Now what happens to the guys that don't have 20, 30, or 40 thousand bucks available to hire the attorney? Luckily for DD he had the financial resources. Wouldn't it be better if we had ALPA and all pilots had the access to legal resources.

Are you aware that SkyWest fires a higher percentage of people than other airlines? Do you know that if you had ALPA that many of these firings wouldn't happen because they would be a slam dunk case of wrongful termination?

I just hope the next guy fired unjustly is you. Better to lose a cool-aid slugging dweeb than someone who actually wants a better future for himself and his coworkers.
Up front simple ALPA question for those who may know: It appears ASA is going nowhere fast with their negotiations, if they were to be released to strike and were out the same amount as Comair was (approx 90 days) how and what would the "strike assessment" fee be to pilots at SkyWest if they were ALPA?

Would the strike assessment fee be different if, just suppose, UnitedNorthwestDelta (any legacy) pilots went on strike, what would be the fee for regional pilots?

Truly an honest question, no flame baiting. Thanks
Divergent Discourse Alert


I'm trying to figure these guys (D.C., D.L., D.H., M.K.(fo),M.K.(cp), J.J, or C.H.) out: I only know of a few folks and incidences. Any SkyWesters could PM just the names, or parts thereof.


Gr82Aviate: KA?
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