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ALPA and SkyWest

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By continuing to keep that link up, a link to a website that is factually incorrect and distorts the truth, is what has my ire. I agree that we live in a country where we are allowed to have our own opinions and beliefs. What angers me is ANY individual who makes up their mind based on either incomplete information and tries to pass it off as fact, or worse INCORRECT information and tries to do the same. I consider it no different than somebody who gets all of thier news info from Rush Limbaugh (or Al Franken, to be fair), and considers that to be the gospel truth. And if you wish to do that, then that is fine. As you say, that is your right. I will continue to call you out on it, as is MY right.

If you truly do not want ALPA, or any other union for that matter, fine. None of them are perfect. But base that decision on fact, not what some idiot with an agenda says about something, especially when there are mountains of evidence, from many reliable sources, that refutes what that website says.
In other words, base your opinion on truth, not lies and spin. And check your sources.


who says I based my opinion on that site? I found that just a few days ago.

there, I've added to it. feel better?
Because every arguement you have stated on the forum comes from that website. Just because I am a union member (and proud of it) doesn't mean I can't check it out either.

I used to think like you. What do I need a union for? That's MY 2% (1.95% actually) and I want to keep it. If the company doesn't grow, then I don't have a job. Etc, etc, etc...

After I got to my second 135 job, I realized what a union would do for me, and what those dues benefitted. The company I worked for would 'pilot push' like you would not believe. You were expected to get a free jumpseat to work, wherever in the country they wanted you to go (NOT what the jumpseat is for). And I was fired from that company, for something that I wasn't even in the state at the time for.

That, among other things, is what a union is for.



PS to those like our lost friend D'Angelo who believe that you could hire your own lawyer in a wrongful termination suit like what I had, the legal fees would have been over three times my annual salary at the time. Not something that is easily affordable. Oh, and most lawyers will NOT take it on a contingency.

I have only perused that site, so I don't know how my opinions have been affected by it.

I was at an ALPA regional. I saw the antiquated attitude of 'not my problem' when it came to financial hard times for the company, with most pilots responding with some version of 'I'll walk before I give up 1 red cent.' I rarely saw an attitude of 'what can we do as a pilot group to assure that this company will remain strong now and for the future?' if you did have this attitude, you were in the minority, and probably unimpressed with the union as I was.

the 'bad things' that can happen happen everywhere, that's life. I believe we are given a fair shake here, despite what all the anti-company types on here claim. ask them about DD, who will probably win a large settlement and be able to retire early. he was treated wrongly, got an attorney, and in my estimation will gain a huge settlement. all without the supposed 'protection' of ALPA. Ask 100 SkyWest guys who've been here more than 10 years, and I'd bet 90% of them will tell you more stories about people who could have easily been booted, but the company worked with them and either got them their job back or got them through it. These are the stories I hear.

I don't claim SkyWest is perfect, just as no company, individual or organization is perfect. I regard it like the US compared to the World-by no means perfect, but it provides the best among the rest.

Your opinion may differ.
on the other thread.. you have questions that request your attention...

we've been over this and over this. I'll respect your position, I think I've heard it.

an ALPA refugee
I am not questioning his abilities and knowledge. I actually liked the training we got. But on the other hand, he needs to know that 'I wish we had people with names like John, Steve' is not the approach of the 21st century. I was put on the spot and humiliated by him in the middle of class several times.
It's all behind me know..
I met so many good people in that airline. I think the pilot group is great but few of them are spoiling it for the all.
I still think that the airline is not a friendly place for people with a certain religion and it's favoring another one despite some despicable actions by another new hire..

I completely agree with you, its no secret that more than a few people in charge favor one religion over others. Just one more reason to have a union.
why do you care? people can read it and make up their own mind, right?

No, that site isn't a legitimate source of information. It spreads lies and distortions, not just an opposing point of view. I can respect a different point of view, but I can't respect a different point of view that is only based on lies and misinformation. If Mr. Berman (the creator of that disgusting website) wants to argue the anti-union point of view, then he needs to do it with facts, not lies. Having that website in your signature does not help your credibility at all.
They are elected officals. We voted them in and we can vote them out. They are in place to make decisions on behalf of the pilot group. I hope you don't have any illusions about unions because they work in a similar fashion. ALPA MEC's can vote on MOU's without imput from the pilot group. In fact, TSA had a contract SIGNED by the MEC without the DIRECT vote of the pilot group. I'm not a fan of SAPA but that is the truth about how they work. Sorry you can't use this to bash the hard working VOLUNTEERS. Granted they have plenty of other faults that you can.

You mean the hardworking "volunteers" some of which have a 105 hour guarantee and don't fly the line, or the VOLUNTEERS who go to all the meetings and get their line flying covered and paid while they attend?

I have only perused that site, so I don't know how my opinions have been affected by it.

I was at an ALPA regional. I saw the antiquated attitude of 'not my problem' when it came to financial hard times for the company, with most pilots responding with some version of 'I'll walk before I give up 1 red cent.' I rarely saw an attitude of 'what can we do as a pilot group to assure that this company will remain strong now and for the future?' if you did have this attitude, you were in the minority, and probably unimpressed with the union as I was.

the 'bad things' that can happen happen everywhere, that's life. I believe we are given a fair shake here, despite what all the anti-company types on here claim. ask them about DD, who will probably win a large settlement and be able to retire early. he was treated wrongly, got an attorney, and in my estimation will gain a huge settlement. all without the supposed 'protection' of ALPA. Ask 100 SkyWest guys who've been here more than 10 years, and I'd bet 90% of them will tell you more stories about people who could have easily been booted, but the company worked with them and either got them their job back or got them through it. These are the stories I hear.

I don't claim SkyWest is perfect, just as no company, individual or organization is perfect. I regard it like the US compared to the World-by no means perfect, but it provides the best among the rest.

Your opinion may differ.

Guess you don't know anything about D.C., D.L., D.H., M.K.(fo),M.K.(cp), J.J, or C.H. who all got the shaft along with others?!!!
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