Rez O. Lewshun
Save the Profession
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- Jan 19, 2004
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First off...take some ritolin for the A.D.D.
We're not discussing failure of the US Democracy...Eye on the ball Rez.
Eye is on the ball.... if democracy is good for our gov't is it not good for our churches, charities, foundations, NGOs, HOA's and unions?
Isn't that how we make democracy stronger, by extending of the peole, for the people by the people into other areas of our lives? By growing it and making it a normal part of our lives?
Or shall we just give exclusive control to one person to run our unions?
Find out why ALPA failed. What is ALPA's mission? What are the desires of the pilots? Tailor ALPA to the wants and needs of the pilots...not to some lofty and vague goals like "improving the profession." You need tangible and measurable results.
Sounds good.... I agree, but according to your logic, democracy is not needed, so how can member pilots offer their opinion? Get involved. You think one guy should run the show and know what everyone wants..AND make wants realities. How can one person serve different needs of many?
The other reality is, despite the democracy of ALPA and our gov't we don't participate...
Funny thing.. as Americans we love to claim how we are the greatest democracy in the world. We are the most advanced society of freedom and liberty... but the practice is entirely different: one of apathy and indifference...
Management has shown repeatedly that they will do whatever is necessary to beat the pilots into submission. What is ALPA's response? Take the high road.
ALPA is the knife in a Gun Fight.
First off, unions have been given a stacked deck in the USA. Workers rights are secondary. We value corporate profits over fairness and reasonability for workers.
In addition, why do expect ALPA to be something it is not? The power of unions is unity in numbers... but again we run into the apathy and indifference...
It is a vicious cycle.. the chicken or the egg... but who makes individuals participate in democracy?
I got news for you Rez. The RLA? The Democrats won't change a thing to it. As long as that is in place...ALPA has few bargaining chips...
And that is ALPA's fault...? Did ALPA craft the RLA? Face it, in America we are all about individualism, greed and fear. The RLA simply supports what we really value in America.
These are not traits of effective unionism....
You want change? Maybe you need to break the rules.
PATCO tried it.... it backfired and ruined it for all of us....
There are places for 'civil disobedience'..... and certain ALPA MEC's are doing just that... but no union has proven successfull in breaking the rules.
Your problem, as it has always been, and will be, unless you actively choose otherwise, and this goes for too many Americans...
They and you think capitalism is democracy. What that means is... 'I've paid money for a service. I expect 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Why should I have to do anything else. I've given my hard earned dollar for a product or service'. However, there is a difference between dues/tax dollar and market dollar.
Dues and tax dollars doesn't yield a product or service with a 100% guarantee or your money back like going to the shopping mall.
Dues and tax dollars simply means you are a citizen or member and have the right to participate. Only then can real effectiveness begin...