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HAL said:
AQ pilot,

Just wondering what in the world you guys are thinking over there...

Do you really think that after a quarter century of progress and profit SWA would buy you guys and then convert their best-of-class profit making 737's into 757's?

Actually, I've been far removed from the island rumor mill with my new job in Alaska, but it still seems like a looooooooooong shot for SWA to actually step up and buy you guys. What would they gain out of it that they couldn't do for themselves cheaper and better?

Not baiting, just asking.


Ease and speed of entry, "out of the box" ETOPS solution, and local goodwill.

The ETOPS solution is the big one. ETOPS isn't so much about aircraft or training as it is about the maintenance and spare parts chain. No offense to HAL, but they're still operating under AA's maintenance program.

When AQ started the -700 service, they already had nearly two decades of ETOPS experience. With the -700, they only had to add the engines to the certificate.

WN would have to do six months of proving runs on the mainland before even applying for an initial ETOPS certificate.
Twice in one day I'm gonna say EZ NOW!

Hey HAL,

EZ on the insinuations! I for one have never believed that WN would buy us, nor would I want them to! I was just poppin' off about all the wild rumors I have been hearing. Nothing more, nothing less. And I know you weren't trying to be accusatory, so don't take my reply in that tone....

WN would gain a little buy buying us. Well not us, but our certs. What exactly would they gain? Well, they would really put a hurtin on UAL. They would be able to open up EVERY WEST COAST CITY they serve now to Hawaiian destinations. Is that worth the ETOPS cost? I can honestly say, I have no idea. All I know is that the rumor about WN and AQ just wont die!

I'm just passin' on the worthless drivel I get. There is no news that I have heard that is worth posting. The best I had heard was from your guys about us opening a mainland base!

So what you doin' up in AK? Sounds like you got a flyin' job...that just rocks! You'll be back to HAL before you know it. This industry down here is going gangbusters right now...just crazy!
Re: Twice in one day I'm gonna say EZ NO

AQ PILOT said:
All I know is that the rumor about WN and AQ just wont die!

One thing we must realize about this mother of all rumors is first off... Has anybody seen EVEN ONE southwest executive out here checking out our ops or even in a closed meeting with our execs?

I really dont think anybody would buy an airline "sight-unseen!" They wouldnt even begin a CODESHARE with us without giving our entire operation some kind of white glove test.

The last "airline" I worked at (i use that term lightly) began a codeshare agreement with United. EVERYBODY knew it was in the works because numerous employees WITNESSED the UAL execs entering and leaving our building. It was NO SECRET. 3 or 4 months later it happened, it was true.

The WN/AQ things smells like BS through and through. I dont see one scrap of evidence. Just posts on these internet BB's do not convince me. I first heard a version of this rumor three years ago, it died, the latest version I heard a few months ago, then it died, now It is becoming a full on urban legend, back from the dead once again. Once we think its dead a new group of people find out about it and raise it from the dead. C'mon guys.

I think everytime we get a box jellyfish warning on Oahu the rumors start to fly. Thats the only explanantion. Get another hobby besides surfing!
Re: Re: Re: Twice in one day I'm gonna s

Hugh Jorgan said:
No thanks!

OK I will reword, get another hobby IN ADDITION to surfing! Too many of us zombie out in front these computers when the surf is junk.
Re: Re: Twice in one day I'm gonna say EZ NO

islandhopper said:
... Has anybody seen EVEN ONE southwest executive out here checking out our ops or even in a closed meeting with our execs?

Don't make that assumption. I spent years in corporate ops and can assure you that your execs could have met with SWA people every day and you'd never know it. Unless you can somehow track every one of your execs and every one of SWA's execs and every one of the lawyers/consultants that either company can hire; you will never be able to determine if meetings happen. I worked for a big time sports team owner who was trying to sell his team without the press finding out about it. They never found out who he was talking to, and they were diligently attempting to track our movements. The storys they ended up printing were wrong by at least a thousand miles.:)

Re: Re: Re: Twice in one day I'm gonna s

enigma said:
I spent years in corporate ops

I worked for a big time sports team owner


What else did you do? Your kind of logic is what keeps rumors alive. Black helicopters Catcher in the rye balderdash. The other side of the coin is not one scrap of hard evidence and WN could start Hawaii ops on their own they dont need to buy an entire airline to do that.
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Re-jacking the thread

Actually, from what I hear, getting an ETOPS cert is REALLY expensive. And I mean REEEEAAALLLLYYYY expensive. That is the only reason I can see WN buyin' us. Then they can just get ETOPS out of the box -700's from Boeing and aaawwaaayyy they go.

Still aint gonna happen. Hey islandhopper...you must be flyin' the -200 or somethin', I have so much free time on my hands, I NEED the rumor mill to keep me sane!

Here's one for ya. Was at a party last night and talked to one of our managers in maintenance. He told me our YVRs are going back to 3 day trips in January. Verbatim. Problem is, we already got our skeds and there just aint no 3 day YVRs on there...My point? Even someone in the know may not really have a clue as to what is really going on.

Man this reply sucks. I'm going to the beach...

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