Thank you for getting the word out about this legislation that could very negatively affect the lives of all pilots. It makes me sad that your message was not received in a more positive manner.
I can not understand why any pilot would support this bill. Not only does it take away the rights of pilots to strike (self help) but the devil is indeed hidden in the details. Read the fine print; if pilots are to receive a pay raise, other employee groups must receive the same raise. As if that is not enough, pilots can not receive a raise if it costs the company money.
Hmmm, I guess the only way pilots will ever get a raise will be to change work rules and work harder. This is the same thing that has happened to the railroads over the years.
Even pilots who do not work for union companies should be interested in this bill because often times union companies raise the bar for the whole industry.
This bill is a blatant assault on organized labor in America and must be opposed. I urge all pilots to do as F18-FDX suggested and write to your representatives and insist that they oppose this legislation.
I do not intend for this message to be inflammatory and I understand that many on this forum think that this will not affect them. I think that as pilots, we all have to stick together. What is bad for pilots in one part of the industry is bad for everyone. Sometimes it just takes some time to realize how things have changed. I won't respond to any further comments on this thread, I just urge each and every one of you to become involved on this very important issue.
Thank you for getting the word out about this legislation that could very negatively affect the lives of all pilots. It makes me sad that your message was not received in a more positive manner.
I can not understand why any pilot would support this bill. Not only does it take away the rights of pilots to strike (self help) but the devil is indeed hidden in the details. Read the fine print; if pilots are to receive a pay raise, other employee groups must receive the same raise. As if that is not enough, pilots can not receive a raise if it costs the company money.
Hmmm, I guess the only way pilots will ever get a raise will be to change work rules and work harder. This is the same thing that has happened to the railroads over the years.
Even pilots who do not work for union companies should be interested in this bill because often times union companies raise the bar for the whole industry.
This bill is a blatant assault on organized labor in America and must be opposed. I urge all pilots to do as F18-FDX suggested and write to your representatives and insist that they oppose this legislation.
I do not intend for this message to be inflammatory and I understand that many on this forum think that this will not affect them. I think that as pilots, we all have to stick together. What is bad for pilots in one part of the industry is bad for everyone. Sometimes it just takes some time to realize how things have changed. I won't respond to any further comments on this thread, I just urge each and every one of you to become involved on this very important issue.