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Respectfully, if you do not want to go to your interview, could you call Eric and have him change the name on your free airline ticket, free rental car, and free hotel room to mine? Really you're only out the time it takes to call ALG and tell them you're taking a vacation day. There are people dying to get that interview, if you didn't think you wanted it then you shouldn't have had your friend go to bat for you. I think it's obvious that you DO want the interview or you wouldn't have asked for one. You won't have to make a decision on the spot either (the way I understand they give you a call in a few days). So by all means GO, and good luck! I hope to see you on the line sometime. When Eric calls I'll be there with bells on.
ok Guys,

Thank you so much for your answers. everyone was dead on with their info. eric called me today and had a nice interview/info talk and i'm head there on the 19th of this month. the next class is april 26th but i might opt for the may 24th to give me more time to set this thing up.

thanks for all your great help.

toa2mdt said:
the next class is april 26th but i might opt for the may 24th to give me more time to set this thing up.

Just a word of advice. It seems to me you are putting the cart a wee bit before the horse. How about you interview first. THEN if they like you and you get hired (keep in mind, it's not an automatic job offer) you worry about a class date? I suggest you check the ego at the door of headquarters before you talk to anyone there.

That being said, good luck with the interview.
nah nah nah,
don't get me wrong. I'm pretty humble, eric told me which class dates they had coming up. i told him that i'd be honest and if interviewed and then IF hired then i'd would love the may class. late april is just to soon for my speed. not saying that i'm challenged in any way, just i'm a planner. believe me, after almost 6 years at ALG i still have the butterfies at 6 month pc's. anyway, thanks for the ego check. i appreciate it, really. i'm just excited.

When are your kids due? Make sure your wife is well aware that you will be gone for 8 days, but that home for 7 days is awesome. Plus, when you take a vacation, you essentially get 3 weeks off. 7-8-7.

I recommended a good friend of mine. He accepted the job. Same boat you are in with the twins. Well, after a year with the company, his wife couldn't cope with the 8 days away and he quit. He took another regional job only to have them fold shortly after. Options did not hire him back.

"What's the number to that truck driving school Mav?"
When I went in.

I interviewed on a monday and Eric asked me at the end of the interview if I was available to start class in two weeks. My answer was something like "hmmm... Hell yes!"

I think if I had told him I had to think about it I'd still have gotten the next class, but don't count on having a couple days before you are even asked the question.
What aircraft will FLOPS likely hire into? Any predictions for these latest newhires - what will they likely fly first? What about the Citation X - have FLOPS guys replaced the Swift pilots and started to bid into the X?

Good news about the interviews.
small cabin

Most (not all, always exceptions) new hires will go to the small cabin aircraft, CJ, Hawker 400XP, KA.

All start at the same pay level. Swift is still driving the 10's. Word is they are not that hot an item for sales.

My guess is we will never take control of them. I assume they are still leased, without outright ownership, I would expect Swift to continue flying them. (my opinion)
Re: small cabin

My guess is we will never take control of them. I assume they are still leased, without outright ownership, I would expect Swift to continue flying them. (my opinion)

According to one of the salesmen I talked to a short while ago, they are supposed to push the 800XP as much as possible to people going for the mid size cabins. He said they were given the impression that they are to do "whatever it takes" to talk owners out of the X, and into the XP. Of course, it makes sense from the companys standpoint...the new XP sells for less money, but more profit - and their pushing Raytheon product instead of Cessna. The biggest problem with the X is that if the fleet were to start growing very rapidly, they would be buying most of the X's on the used market, driving the price up quite a bit.
The biggest problem with the X is that if the fleet were to start growing very rapidly, they would be buying most of the X's on the used market, driving the price up quite a bit.
The biggest problem with the X is FLOPS doesn't own or operate any. There isn't much profit to be made when you hire a 135 operator (SWIFT) to do your trips for you. That would be a huge reason why the salespeople are pushing the 800XP. Time is money in this business making the X very popular, and the 800XP won't substitute that.

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