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P.S. I refuse to subscribe to your opinion that Integrity is bull********************.

When you've got the stones to stand up on your hind legs and make that clear to the people you work for there is a chance that things will improve.
Hiring update ...
I previously posted about a friend who had interviewed (first interview) and had not heard anything for three weeks. I visited the pilot hiring folks in SEA and inquired why my friend hadn't heard from Alaska for such a long time. They called him the next day and asked him back for a second interview. According to Celeste Green when she called him for the second interview ... "sorry for the delay but we hadn't called you because we didn't have our second interview schedule done yet." What a croc. What about a call to say that one had passed the first, we're working on our schedule, expect a call for a second soon ... huh? Absolutely no concern on their part for the mental well being of the interviewee. Anyway, my friend passed the second interview and got hired. However, he's not thrilled about how he was treated. Welcome to the nightmare.
Ok, back to a hiring-related question for a moment: Does anyone know for sure if AS will be at the Women in Aviation conference in '07? They haven't missed one in years, but aren't listed as attendees on the WAI website yet. That seems weird to me since they're actually in a hiring mode this year, as opposed to many past years. That conference has always been a good place to network with them, and I credit it for getting me an interview earlier this spring. Since I somehow bounced that, I'd like to try again next year...

Never mind... they weren't listed two days ago. They are now. You may return to your previously scheduled contract gripes. :D

Seriously, I wish you luck this time and I hope I get in this time around so I can help you hold the line... as someone who recently went through a contract cycle in this environment though, I really hope you guys realize there is no WAY you'll be released to self help for at least 2-3 years, when the makeup of the NMB changes in a favorable way. The suggestions I've seen on here to strike now, or soon, are therefore kind of moot!

Alaska wannabees-

Be sure to download and visit Alaskasworld.com before March 15 for company information, incuding the 2010 plan (asked in the interview) before they lock non-employees out.

I think they plan on having some info still there for non-company people like the 2010 plan, fleet make-up, etc. It might be on a new site once the Alaskasworld site is locked up though. I dont have the new site address but I think it will redirect you there when it is active.

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