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It wasn't what I expected in a place that says they are customer oriented.

Don't confuse "customer oriented" with employee-oriented. Taking care of front-line employees so they'll take care of the customers is not an important AAG value.

Management loyalty to other management and admin types is cult-like at AAG. However, until you're "on the inside," you are, unfortunately just a "cost-center" and a part number.

It's just business -- nothing personal. :erm:
I'm with Viking on this one. Alaska was (at the time) my first, and only choice of majors. This would naturally infer that I DID NOT want to work anywhere else.

Personally I believe their "paranoia" over people leaving their organization has tainted the hiring process. There will always be some normal attrition at any carrier, but if you become a "control freak" on the front end of the hiring process you might just end up with people who don't want to be at your company any more than the next guy, they just gave you better "BS". I'm not trying to say anything negative about ANY Alaska new hire, but some of the least trustyworthy people I have known are great at spewing out BS and interview really well. Again, this is supposed to be a comment directed at the logic the company is using for the interview format, not directed at anyone they have hired.

I do not see a real need for the second interview. In an attempt to "probe for areas of concern" I was asked some crazy questions that didn't even make sense. The person was arrogantly talking about their particular area of concern and had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. There is a fine line between doing your job as a professional and being rude and unprofessional. In my opinion they crossed the line beyond what I consider appropriate. This interview was more of a "cross-examination" than an interview.

Before aviation I worked for a decade in the field of Human resources and can assure you that this "good cop-bad cop" interview technique has not been used by most large corporations since the early 1970's.

I also did not see any core values illustrated to me in the second. They should not have to apologize for "beating you up" at the end of the interview- that in itself tells you something. Lastly, if they like you they call you within a day or two. If they dont, you never hear back from them by phone or mail, which puts everyone in an uncomfortable position if you have to call them back.

IT IS JUST BUSINESS, but its hard to not take it personally when one goes through the entire process to be treated poorly at the final stage. A simple "no thanks" form letter would be an easy answer to this problem. Caring IS in theory a core value...........
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IT IS JUST BUSINESS, but its hard to not take it personally when one goes through the entire process to be treated poorly at the final stage. A simple "no thanks" form letter would be an easy answer to this problem. Caring IS in theory a core value...........

I have to agree with you on this. They should not have to apologize at the end of an interview for the treatment rendered and if you are not the person they want, the notification should be prompt and professional. There are nicer/ more effective ways to find information. I must note that a major airline FO is not an entry level position. Most have spent at least a decade in time, sweat and money to get where they are and proper courtesy is in order. Maybe the "just business" route is not the correct path to take.
Can any LAX FO's give me an idea of what kind of schedule a junior (but off reserve) FO might expect? I know, depends, depends depends. But for instance, what type of trips go junior (local, 2-3 day etc), how many days off do you get?

Would it be easy to live 2 hours from LAX during the first couple years? Thanks in advance.
Anyone interview last week get the call back for the 2nd interview. Told me I would be called the next day to schedule the 2nd interview as I had passed the first one. They never called. I'm starting to wonder if I passed that psych test.

I did a silver bullet for a guy who interviewed 3 weeks ago. Still no call. It seems my company is just not calling back those who they don't want to invite to the second interview, or "Elisibeth Ryan inquisition" as some now call it. This is rude, it is insensitive, it is a poor business practice, and it is wrong. This from a company that says it prides itself on its employees and we are all to treat each other with dignity and respect. For all you potentials out there, don't expect dignity and respect to apply to you when you come to Alaska to interview.
I had a budy interview about 2+ weeks ago and no call for a 2nd interview or even a no thanks call. Is this what has become the norm? If they like you you get call the next day or so and if they don't then nothing at all. Not even a letter?
That is a little long. Celeste says that no news is good news though. Right. Oct 23 class is filled and has alternates. Nov 27 class is being filled right now and I believe it is about half full. I hear they had some serious issues with a couple of newhires that kind of sent shockwaves through the department. I think they are figuring out a different way of doing things and maybe that is why the delays. Who knows though. Good luck with things though!
That is a little long. Celeste says that no news is good news though. Right. Oct 23 class is filled and has alternates. Nov 27 class is being filled right now and I believe it is about half full. I hear they had some serious issues with a couple of newhires that kind of sent shockwaves through the department. I think they are figuring out a different way of doing things and maybe that is why the delays. Who knows though. Good luck with things though!

So what were the serious issues?
I know of three people who have not recieved calls for "you are hired or you are not hired". The best one is one of our captains interviewed three years ago and never recieved a call until a couple of months ago for an "interview". He went to his second interview, I wonder if this is his 2nd interview or his second chance at being hired. I will have ask him if he was hired after his 2nd interview or his second chance at the interview.

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