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As for best qualified I don't know, AS has hired FO's from QX with no turbine PIC and no types on the ATP, come to think of it two didn't have their ATP's. Congrats to you have found you're final stop on your career, I am still waiting.
As for best qualified I don't know, AS has hired FO's from QX with no turbine PIC and no types on the ATP, come to think of it two didn't have their ATP's. Congrats to you have found you're final stop on your career, I am still waiting.

Hey ALK guys,
Is this an attempt to hire a diverse workforce at ALK? I heard of a guy who only had KingAir experience get an interview. Is the pool of applicants getting sparse or is there something else going on?
Alaska has, for a long time hired pilots from the military, commuters, start ups, corporate, and the bush in Alaska. It is a good thing and offers a breadth of backgrounds. The key has been to have a recommendation (helps, but not required) and the PIC turbine time. Of course now, they are trying to weed anyone out that will be a radical union type. This is being done via the psych test and the type of questions they are asking people.

Maybe someday they will realize pilots are, for the most part, wired the same and if you kick someone in the teeth enough, they will get pi$$ed off.
Once assigned a base and aircraft at Alaska, what's the process for switching base or even aircraft. Say a pilot is assigned the MD in Sea and wants the 37 in LAX. How long must one be on property before they can bid over to the 37 and down to LA??

Thanks in advance!!

The new hire position is an assignment and you are able to bid base and equipment on the next system bid. If you are awarded a new a/c, then you are frozen for two years in that aircraft. You can always upgrade though. For example, if you are on the MD in SEA and want the 737 in LAX, you bid your preferences. If awarded the 737 in LAX, you are frozen in that seat for two years. You can switch bases in the 737 every bid, but you cannot go back to MD FO for two years.
Thanks Mach!!!
I had an interview there a while back, The first one was great everyone was very friendly. The second one All I can say is drink lots and lots of Alaska Kool Aid. It seems they don't really want to know you personally, They just want to see how much juice and syrup you had swallowed, Probably to the point you puke Alaska. I don't think the second board knew their own Values or Spirt of Alaska, At least they didn't demonstrate it in that second one. It sure made me second guess if I really wanted to work for a company like that. Very Rude. It wasn't what I expected in a place that says they are customer oriented.
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I found the first interview rather easy and somewhat pleasant. The second one was not. I think Elizabeth Ryan did exactly what she is paid to do and she is about the best that I have seen. :smash: She was painful yet effective. She came at me from every direction trying to find inconsistencies and hints that I was waiting for something better out there. I guess her job is to minimize the hiring risk. So, to sum up, the first interview finds out the details and whether you are a good fit. The second is to see if you are a wise financial decision for them to invest in. That is my take on it all. I don't think the airline is unfriendly or unprofessional....its just business.

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