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AirTran promoting healthy eating with Little Debbie

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Isn't Little Debbie full of lard?

Little Debbie is owned by parent company McKee baking company in Collegedale, TN. What we affectionately call "Happy Valley". It's right outside Chattanooga, and the only other thing in town is the largest Seventh Day Adventist college in the Southeast, Southern Adventist University.

Among the many beliefs of the SDA church was STRICT adherence to Bible requirements for eating, pretty much a kosher Jewish diet, if you eat meat AT ALL (most SDA's don't eat meat or drink alcohol, you can't find meat in their grocery store near campus, only veggie-meat, and there's not a liquor store for about 20 miles; you have to drive out of the Valley).

This means ESPECIALLY no pork or pork products. You will not find Lard of ANY kind in a Little Debbie product. Ever.

(I'm SDA born and raised, actually attended SAU for a year and a half before I transferred up to MTSU for their aviation program).

I find it kind of amusing AirTran partners with a company based in a city we don't even fly to... But hey, if it makes money, more power to 'em. :)
I wonder how much money AirTran will have to refund them when all of the aircraft are grounded due to a strike?
"Happy Valley".

...no pork or pork products. ...you can't find meat in their grocery store ...and there's not a liquor store for about 20 miles..."

Happy Valley?.... my Happy White Ass.

You have just described this Man's personal Hell.

Let us Pray:

" Yea, though I walk through the Happy Valley and it's Shadow of Death ( as described above) , I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me...and I knoweth that thou shall provide me with swine for sustenance, and fermented beverages born from the bountiful grains and hops thou hast also so abundantly provided."



P.S. - Lord, I would also like a Little Debbie snack cake for desert...If it won't make my butt look too big in my new uniform pants. Your call on that one Lord. Thank you.
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Little Debbie is owned by parent company McKee baking company in Collegedale, TN. What we affectionately call "Happy Valley". It's right outside Chattanooga, and the only other thing in town is the largest Seventh Day Adventist college in the Southeast, Southern Adventist University.

Among the many beliefs of the SDA church was STRICT adherence to Bible requirements for eating, pretty much a kosher Jewish diet, if you eat meat AT ALL (most SDA's don't eat meat or drink alcohol, you can't find meat in their grocery store near campus, only veggie-meat, and there's not a liquor store for about 20 miles; you have to drive out of the Valley).

This means ESPECIALLY no pork or pork products. You will not find Lard of ANY kind in a Little Debbie product. Ever.

(I'm SDA born and raised, actually attended SAU for a year and a half before I transferred up to MTSU for their aviation program).

I find it kind of amusing AirTran partners with a company based in a city we don't even fly to... But hey, if it makes money, more power to 'em. :)

Interesting. I've actually had LDs in the past. Not bad if you're in the mood.

You mention Kosher diet. Are you familiar with the so-called "Kosher Tax" or "Kosher Mafia"

Here's an old audio by a man named Wally Butterworth who expounds on it.


A very interesting listen.
"Happy Valley".

...no pork or pork products. ...you can't find meat in their grocery store ...and there's not a liquor store for about 20 miles..."

Happy Valley?.... my Happy White Ass.

You have just described this Man's personal Hell.

Let us Pray:

" Yea, though I walk through the Happy Valley of the shadow of death ( as described above) , I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me...and I knoweth that thou shall provide me with swine for sustenance, and fermented beverages born from the bountiful grains and hops thou hast so abundantly provided."



I'm with you...

Meat and alcohol are staples of my diet.

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