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AirTran MEC at SWAPA

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Gary can get close to the $400 million by codesharing the two networks together without combining the operations.

OK, I'll just take your word for it. I'm sure the BoD and the shareholders will agree with you, as well. :rolleyes:

He can continue to grow SWA and feed it with AirTran 717's flown by AirTran pilots on their subpar contract, work rules and wages.
You're not the only one with a Contract, Chief. Our contract is binding upon assigns, and contains protection against this scenario, as well. Why don't you grab a copy and give it a read?

I would think Gary would be open to this idea if the alternative was dealing with a bunch of AirTran trouble and 5800 pissed off Swapa pilots. If any of the previous stated rumors are true it looks like he may be positioning himself for that eventuality.
In the more likely scenario, 5% of the SWA pilots, the ones that have now found Flightinfo, are pissed. The other 95% are more reasonable, as are 95% of AAI guys, and a reasonable solution will be found. Guys like you will be pissed, because their windfall never materializes. Guys like me don't care, because not much changes. Life goes on.
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There is a little airline in houston that you might want to talk with their pilots and ask what happened when they tried to play games. Oh sorry...they don't fly anymore
Tool time!

There is a little airline in houston that you might want to talk with their pilots and ask what happened when they tried to play games. Oh sorry...they don't fly anymore

Newsflash- this is 2010 . . . . There are laws and recent precedent that apply here that didn't apply 20 years ago. This was already discussed ad nauseum a few months ago.

It's pretty funny that you think that threatening AAI Line Pilots with the "Muse Treatment" is somehow beneficial to your Merger Committee, SWAPA brothers, or SWA in general.
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The only real fact that I am aware of in this deal is that no law or contract can require two companies to combine operations. Any combination of operations will be a decision made by Gary Kelly. Anything else is just rumor or inuendo.
The only real fact that I am aware of in this deal is that no law or contract can require two companies to combine operations. Any combination of operations will be a decision made by Gary Kelly. Anything else is just rumor or inuendo.

Actually, a contract can require the merger of operations, and ours does. Like Ty said, you may want to read our CBA.
Good luck with the grievance. From what I hear it will go in the stack with the other 1000 or so unsuccesful grievances you have on the books.
This is gonna be better then the ...SLI. Misery loves company.


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