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AirTran MEC at SWAPA

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Well Ty, in the one post that I read, he didn't say that.

Well, here's one of them: http://forums.flightinfo.com/showpost.php?p=2089436&postcount=33

I'll save you the effort:

"I see them integrated, after the big picture with work rules, pay, health insurance, scope, management relations, etc.... near the bottom of the SWA list..... with no AT captain's seats held . . . ".

Now, to address your equally assinine assertion:

You can hope that aai captains keep their seats, and they might, but is that realistic? Is that going to create healthy work environments post-acquisition? I think not.

So, let me get this right- if you don't get to steal the seat I've been in for the past 6 years, you're going to pitch a fit and hold your breath, huh?

I've got news for you, pal: you're going to be just as disappointed as Sixlegs. :laugh:
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Ty may lose his seat even if he doesn't admit it here on FI. He has been talking about it on the AirTran forum from what I hear.
Ty may lose his seat even if he doesn't admit it here on FI. He has been talking about it on the AirTran forum from what I hear.

Then you don't know Ty. :laugh:

Actually, no one is talking about SLI issues on our internal board. Most of the chatter has been about implementation of the new contract, and a pending election.
6 year Capt. huh. What you hired in 2004? You know you will make more in the right seat of a LUV jet so why you worried? Its win-win, unless your MEC screws the pooch!
Its win-win, unless your MEC screws the pooch!

Integrating these two seniority lists are not the only options. I just hope the majority of the AT guys are more reasonable than Ty and his pals on this forum. If not, they may be ruining a slam dunk increase in quality of life for unreasonable expectations.

Arbitration may be what is thought to be an asset, but am I the only one that thinks it could be more of a liability?
Ty, I don't see that my comment is assinine, as you say. I asked a question. Is it realistic for ALL aai captains to keep their seats? Like I said, it might happen, but I seriously doubt it. Pitch a fit and hold my breath? OK. But you don't need to be so condescending Ty; I don't think that I was. Like I said, it's easy to hide behind a keyboard and spout off. I hope that GK knows what he is doing here, because if you and others on here are any indication of the types of pilots that swa is bringing on, then GK has just made one big mistake and swa will now be just another flying job. I talk to my buds at swa who know aai guys and they tell me that they are just glad to be coming over. One friend at swa knows SIX aai captains, and they are all just glad that this is happening. ALL of them are expecting to be flying reserve out of Oakland; I take it none of them post on here.
S3sundowner while most Airtran pilots will agree with you about being excited to work for a company with more friendly labor relations. Most will disagree with you about losing their seats or current seat relative seat position. I think whatever happens unfortunately Southwest Airlines will not be same. I have jumpseated many times on different airlines that have been through mergers and it changes both groups. I know many Southwest airline pilots will talk about pay, but that isnt the whole piece of the pie. Like I have said in previous posts, for some its about base, days off, being able to bid holidays off, etc. Whatever happens I believe that this isnt going to be the same Southwest that most of you know. You cannot piss off a large number pilots and expect them to be ok with it and that goes for BOTH sides. Thats simply why Southwest airlines will not be same. As for how will the list will work out in the end, who knows. Both sides can put both their opinions on this forum and back it up in their eyes. I just hope that it will not tear this new airline apart.
S3sundowner while most Airtran pilots will agree with you about being excited to work for a company with more friendly labor relations. Most will disagree with you about losing their seats or current seat relative seat position. I think whatever happens unfortunately Southwest Airlines will not be same. I have jumpseated many times on different airlines that have been through mergers and it changes both groups. I know many Southwest airline pilots will talk about pay, but that isnt the whole piece of the pie. Like I have said in previous posts, for some its about base, days off, being able to bid holidays off, etc. Whatever happens I believe that this isnt going to be the same Southwest that most of you know. You cannot piss off a large number pilots and expect them to be ok with it and that goes for BOTH sides. Thats simply why Southwest airlines will not be same. As for how will the list will work out in the end, who knows. Both sides can put both their opinions on this forum and back it up in their eyes. I just hope that it will not tear this new airline apart.

You are correct. SWA will never be the same. It is a shame that a small airline with 1700 pilots will ruin a large airline with 6000 pilots. Hopefully the 6000 will be the happy ones and the 1700 will be happy to be there. They should get what they deserve and that isn't much.
You are correct. SWA will never be the same. It is a shame that a small airline with 1700 pilots will ruin a large airline with 6000 pilots. Hopefully the 6000 will be the happy ones and the 1700 will be happy to be there. They should get what they deserve and that isn't much.

See comet and thats exactly what I am talking about this is why Southwest airlines will change. Different attitudes on both sides sharing the same cockpits is going to really suck working at this new airline for a long time to come.
Zman, I hereby propose a permanent fence around atl. New swapa cba to include "wholly owned subsidiary". Growth metrics apply to both sides. That way GK can operate his "alter ego" airline out of atl connecting with swa, set up to run like domestic codeshare. You guys keep your pay and base, then everyone will be happy.

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