Hey guys (and gals?) --
I really do appreciate the posts. I'm sorry if this has deteriorated into a mud slinging contest, but it has actually been quite helpful.
Here is what I have taken away from the posts:
- Both Southwest and AirTran have passionate employees who love what they do
- Everyone wants to feel that their input is valued; at Southwest, that's not an issue, management really does value the opinion of every employee; however, there is some work to be done at AirTran
- Southwest cares about their people -- I already knew this because I worked there. And now as a non-employee looking from the outside in, I can say with certainty that Southwest does care about their people.
- The perception is that AirTran does not care as much about their people, so AirTran management should fix that.
Call me an optimist, but ultimately I think the acquisition is going to be successful...you have two professional labor groups that just want to be treated fairly, and I think Southwest unions and management will make that happen.
- There is really nothing to see here -- the SLI will be some hybrid that is amenable to all parties, and at the end of the day the AirTran bubbas are going to get along with the SWA bubbas. Anything that can't be worked out airborne from LUV to AUS will be solved over a $1 beer in the hotel bar after the fact.
Like I said, I may just be an optimist. Or maybe it's the Wild Turkey shot I took at 7:37 talking
Thanks again!
I really do appreciate the posts. I'm sorry if this has deteriorated into a mud slinging contest, but it has actually been quite helpful.
Here is what I have taken away from the posts:
- Both Southwest and AirTran have passionate employees who love what they do
- Everyone wants to feel that their input is valued; at Southwest, that's not an issue, management really does value the opinion of every employee; however, there is some work to be done at AirTran
- Southwest cares about their people -- I already knew this because I worked there. And now as a non-employee looking from the outside in, I can say with certainty that Southwest does care about their people.
- The perception is that AirTran does not care as much about their people, so AirTran management should fix that.
Call me an optimist, but ultimately I think the acquisition is going to be successful...you have two professional labor groups that just want to be treated fairly, and I think Southwest unions and management will make that happen.
- There is really nothing to see here -- the SLI will be some hybrid that is amenable to all parties, and at the end of the day the AirTran bubbas are going to get along with the SWA bubbas. Anything that can't be worked out airborne from LUV to AUS will be solved over a $1 beer in the hotel bar after the fact.
Like I said, I may just be an optimist. Or maybe it's the Wild Turkey shot I took at 7:37 talking
Thanks again!