Well guys, I have a real question about AirNet if you'd like to get away from this whole flamewar for a moment. 
I see that AirNet's minimums are 500TT, and competitive mins are 1000/100. Are they still hiring around 1000TT and putting people in the right seat for a little while, or are they trying to simply stick with people who meet PIC mins from the get-go? The reason I ask is because I heard a while back that they weren't doing the SIC program anymore, but their website doesn't allude to that.
I see that AirNet's minimums are 500TT, and competitive mins are 1000/100. Are they still hiring around 1000TT and putting people in the right seat for a little while, or are they trying to simply stick with people who meet PIC mins from the get-go? The reason I ask is because I heard a while back that they weren't doing the SIC program anymore, but their website doesn't allude to that.