Most Baron's have them and almost all the Chieftains have them, if their working or not that's another stroy. Almost none of the 310's have them. I don't know about the Caravans.
I don't know of anybody that uses the autopilots to shoot approaches. Most people just use them in cruise.
The Caravans that are AirNet owned have a really nice autopilot. You can set a V/s descent rate, and has and altitude alerter. The leasebacks have the basic autopilot, all work well. Same thing here, use autopilot in cruise to sightsee, or to get our maintence paperwork done.
When hired by Airnet I had 1100 total so I did the SIC thing for a month to get to 1200 hours. Well worth it. I instructed prior out of a small field with not much experience flying into larger Class B airports. Flying as an SIC first, jut gave a little confidence doing that type of flying and also lets you see how things are done within the company.
All Caravans, Barons, and Navajos have autopilots. I've used them a few times to shoot approaches, but that takes the fun out of the job.
It's a great company. Pretty good pay especially if you get a fifth night on your run. Standard is 4 nights per week.
One of the above posts stated Flight Express is part of Airnet. That is not true. They may do some charter work for us or us for them, but they are two separate companies not related.
We did have at least one class if not more in March. Don't know about the future.
They do like persistance. When I was hired, I submitted the online application 3 times, and I finally called them. Once I called they were happy to talk with me and did the over the phone interview and then invited me to the interview there in Columbus.
I interviewed with 800 hours, but was in the pool for 7 months so when i got to training I had 1160. The SIC program i thought was good, same thing that USC said, about flying into B airports, but also getting some icing experience with someone else sitting next to me to talk me thru it. Its a good confidence booster, rather than giving you a baron and saying see you tomorrow morning!
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