No, there's no rival between FSI and ATA, maybe between Comair and ATA, but I think that's really stupid. We are all pilots and we need to stick together for the good of our chosen proffesion. To act like a bunch of high school kids during a football rivalry is immature to say the least. Skywest took only a handful of guys from ATA but they all had at least 1000 hours, not what most grads have. These guys had built time either flight instructing or 135 ops. Now that was a few months back and they haven't called for any more yet. I should correct myself about Pinnacle. They came to look at ATA as a source for FO's but have yet to request any grads which is probably a good thing since they seem a little shady. I think they do have a PFT but I would hope that no=one would lower themselves to that level, I wouldn't!!! I, unfortunately am treading water in the dreaded hiring pool unlike many of my fellow low timers! Things were great at ATA before 9/11 when I signed up. Had I been able to see the future I would have done things differently but now I can either wait it out or go work on the CFI's. Doesn't matter to me, I'm not gonna let it get me down, just gonna keep on working on that dream flying career!!!