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Air Tran or CAL? haven't we been here before?

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You don't know who is the better choice until you die and your pension was still paying out (not many of those left).

Upgrade is running 2 years and 4 months as Ty mentioned. Was on the bus to the parking lot today and ran into a buddy of mine I flew with years ago. He missed upgrade by like 3 or 4 numbers and he's been here 2 years and almost 4 months.

For people hired now, expect 3 to 3 1/2 years. A lot of people bypass upgrade to keep the schedules and non-stop hiring and growth for a good while yet to come means upgrade won't slow for quite some time, barring some extreme change of aircraft delivery plans.

I didn't know CAL retirement numbers were so high either, that's great that people will upgrade that quickly!

A great choice either way, good luck to your buddy!
Sorry critter ty, you ain't flying to Amsterdam anytime soon. Just more domestic in and out of ATL. If you're lucky, you can fly up to Newark or Houston, and ride CAL over there. But I don't think we have an international j/s agreement with valujet.

Uppercrust, move in for the final blow. I think critter is down for the count :D
Yuppyguppy said:
That's okay I will....it's just good ol valuejet at it's finest

You know....Every now and then I log in to read this board with the hopes of finding some intelligent discussion. However, mostly what I find are idiots like yourself. (sea horse and others). Please find something else to do. Get a hobby, read a book, beat off, I don't care. For god's sake please don't reproduce, you are thinning the gene pool.

Please, stay off the net.
Thanks for your cooperation


Wesb737fo said:
Please find something else to do. Get a hobby, read a book, beat off, I don't care. For god's sake please don't reproduce, you are thinning the gene pool.

Please, stay off the net.
Thanks for your cooperation


'Nuff said.
ToThePain said:
Pick whoever hires you first and then whoever works best for your family. While the above information is technically correct, its does not paint the entire picture. I was hired in April at CAL and have just picked up the 777. The pay for that is over $71/hour. I can not speak to the upgrade time at Air Tran, if 3 years is the standard thats awesome. I can tell you that looking at the last snap shot at CAL I SHOULD move to the left seat in 4 years as a conversion Captain. I picked CAL because I live close to Newark and would not have to commute. The average 777 reserve pilot gets called just over once per month, meaning that I should expect to be home around 23 days per month. Take care of your family (if you have one) and let the cards play out. You will never know who is the better choice until about 15 years from now.

Admit it PM....you took the 777 because you are a slovenly lazy SOB. But...with that said...I'm glad you did pick the 777 because now I will move up one number in EWR on the 737! :D

Hope all is well dude.

Go ahead, let him reproduce.

Makes it easier for my kids to get the grades that win scholarships when the stupid kids keep the curve low... :D
As a relatively inexeperienced pilot I would be honored to fly at either Continental or Airtan. If given my pick though, I would go with Continental. Bigger jets and better destinations. A couple of friends in the crashpad I am at all agree on Continental. It's not putting Airtan down but Continental just seems a better bet long term, while Airtran seems like an also ran and just not very prestigous.

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