That is because a college degree has nothing to do with flying an airplane. Robert Lovett, WWII Asst Sec of War for Air, may have saved the US in WWII. He showed we needed quantity, not quality.
We will need 100K pilots per year, we will not get that many physically qualified college educated pilots. He would prove that college was not needed to fly an airplane. He had a test devised that would identify those traits and knowledge levels needed to be successful in pilot training.
He found that many college educated people could not pass this test, but many high school graduates could. These 19 year old pilots proved their worth all over the globe, flying equipment under conditions that would test almost all of us on this board.
Those tests are stlll pretty much the same as used today to screen military pilots.
Not totally disagreeing with your thesis or embarrass you. Bong, McGuire and Johnson were college boys. Johnnie was a civil engineer. Yeager was the country boy and I'm sure there are a lot more examples, just can't think of any more off hand. cheers