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Age 65 right around corner... 15 year upgrades at SWA!!!

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Why not. Your effected by it.
True, all pilots industry-wide are affected by ALPA, but only the members of the Association have a place in directing the Association's policy (which, as you know, is why I think all pilots should be members of ALPA). In my opinion, it simply isn't appropriate for non-members to attempt to affect internal affairs of the Association.
Not sure if he thinks he is above the will.... who's gonna teach him?
I think his actions on this issue make it clear that he does feel he is above the will of the membership. Who's gonna teach him that he's not? Probably no one. The same apathetic membership that did nothing to stop this early on will do nothing to put Prater in his place. As always, the problems begin and end with the apathetic membership.
ALPA was THE main player on this Age 60 fiasco.</p>
So are you now admitting that Oberstar's bill would not have been put to a vote had it not been for ALPA's support?
Valid point.... however, yet another reason to join ALPA. ALPA is changing the retirement age for all pilots mind as well join and fix it..
You know I agree with that. The problem is that most pilots don't. I've done enough organizing work to know that trying to convince pilots to join an Association that they perceive as not representing the will of the membership is nearly impossible. Prater has dealt a huge blow to the image of the Association to rank-and-file pilots both inside and outside of the Association. He's certainly not helping ALPA's effort to recruit new members.
.So are you now admitting that Oberstar's bill would not have been put to a vote had it not been for ALPA's support?

I never not admitted...

You know I agree with that. The problem is that most pilots don't. I've done enough organizing work to know that trying to convince pilots to join an Association that they perceive as not representing the will of the membership is nearly impossible. Prater has dealt a huge blow to the image of the Association to rank-and-file pilots both inside and outside of the Association. He's certainly not helping ALPA's effort to recruit new members.

Yep.... like the fustrated blacks in the segregated south... they burn down thier neighborhood...it will feel good.... then there will be no place to sleep later that night...
What is the difference between his CAL income and retirement and his ALPA Pres......baby?

Should we include his $7500 a month living allowance? But, ignoring that paltry sum he has to live on, I would say at least $300k to $350K difference and increase for his lofty position.

Additionally, please don't call me baby. I prefer to only let the guy I am letting drill me use that callsign.
Somehow, I don't ever picture you in that position. :)

Kinda like our tax system... how many would not pay taxes?

Well, you wouldn't get fired from your citizenship just put in jail. Using your very weak analogy with ALPA's methods, structure and loss of vision, I would suspect many would prefer jail than funding their own continued destruction.

It would be easier for you to just cut and paste one of your millions of responses of how it is the memberships fault.

Last one out turn out the lights. I think this will be the beginning of the end for ALPA.
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Should we include his $7500 a month living allowance? But, ignoring that paltry sum he has to live on, I would say at least $300k to $350K difference and increase for his lofty position.

Got a source?

Additionally, please don't call me baby. I prefer to only let the guy I am letting drill me use that callsign.
Somehow, I don't ever picture you in that position. :)

C'mon Austin Powers convinced Agent Kensington to allow him to call her Vanessa..... baby... (oops)

Well, you wouldn't get fired from your citizenship just put in jail. Using your very weak analogy with ALPA's methods, structure and loss of vision, I would suspect many would prefer jail than funding their own continued destruction.

Point is there are consequences. In fact, you are more free to choose the consequences of not paying dues then taxes. Born in this country you have to pay taxes... or renounce citizenship.... you going to have to pay taxes somehwere... if you don't want ot pay ALPA dues then don't join.

Union structure is modeled after American democracy. As Austin Powers said... 'Right not we've got freedom and responsibility... its a groovy time...'

It would be easier for you to just cut and paste one of your millions of responses of how it is the memberships fault.

No... I've got my issues with the leadership, but I think the membership should deal with thier reposnsibilites first...

Last one out turn out the lights. I think this will be the beginning of the end for ALPA.

And then what? What about your career?
Got a source?

Here you go. I really feel for our ALPA leadership and the financial hardships they must be enduring.

October 21-25, 2002
National Officer Compensation and Expense Allowance

Constitutional Requirement

Distribution authorized by: _______________________________
Delegate Committee Chairman

WHEREAS the 1970 Board of Directors adopted a policy of a fixed formula for calculating Presidential compensation which has been continued since that date with modifications and additions deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors in 1974, 1978, 1982, 1986, 1990, 1994 and 1998,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors policy on Presidential compensation be reaffirmed with the following modifications. The allowances and allocations described herein shall take effect on January 1, 2003 in accordance with the following:
Presidential compensation based upon the average book rates of the three highest paying Captain rates of the three highest paying ALPA carriers, on the opening day of each regular Board of Directors meeting,1/2 day plus 1/2 night, average maximum contract hours for theapplicable rates shall be as follows:
Effective January 1, 2003:
(a) Total Maximum Annual Gross Yield *


($298.19/hr at 82.67 hours per month)

(b) Plus, if applicable, a Monthly Adjustment to provide the minimum pay equal to the highest paying equipment the President is entitled to hold in accordance with his system seniority on his airline




* To be recalculated upon any change in the Captain hourly rates or maximum contract hours for the three highest paying ALPA carriers

Presidential Override at 26% of (1)


Total Base Compensation


National Officer Service Allowance in 2003*


Total of Presidential Compensation and National Officer Service Allowance


* Refer to paragraph C for National Officer Service Allowance provisions after 2003.

In the event the Presidential compensation in A(1) is less than Flight Pay Loss calculated for officer compensation for the offices of First Vice President, Vice President-Administration/ Secretary, or Vice President-Finance/ Treasurer the higher amount shall be used for line A(1) of the Presidential compensation calculation above.

1. The President shall be eligible to participate and entitled to receive, in addition to Total Base Compensation, benefits from any pension, medical, disability or other welfare plan of benefits sponsored by ALPA or provided to ALPA bargaining unit or non-bargaining unit staff as the Vice President-Finance/Treasurer shall determine, provided further that the Vice President-Finance/Treasurer, at his or her discretion, in coordination with the 401K plan, for each calendar year or portion thereof that the President has served in office, shall provide for a single premium annuity commencing at age 55 or termination of office, whichever is later, providing a benefit equal to 5% for each such year, up to a maximum of 60%, applied to the Total Base Compensation as computed in paragraph A above.

2. Should the sum of retirement benefits from the air carrier and ALPA result in the President's retirement being less than that he or she would have received at his or her own airline had he or she not served as President, the Executive Board will adjust the retirement benefit accordingly.
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The President shall receive a National Officer Service Allowance of $40,000 annually effective January 1, 2003. Beginning in 2004, the annual National Officer Service Allowance shall be increased by an amount equal to the rate of growth in the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) in the preceding year times the Allowance in the previous year. This allowance, together with all costs associated with the ALPA-provided automobile, shall be reported to federal, state, and local authorities as taxable income and shall be made available to the President in such manner as the President may request. The National Officer Service Allowance shall be considered as provision for reimbursement of extraordinary expenses, both personal and business, associated with service in an ALPA National Officer position and shall not be subject to specific accountability by the President.
WHEREAS the Board of Directors, in 1970, adopted a policy of reimbursement for Flight Pay Loss and expenses plus an allowance for the First Vice President, Vice President-Administration/Secretary and Vice President-Finance/Treasurer, and
WHEREAS said policy has been reaffirmed and continued by the Board of Directors in 1974, 1978, 1982, 1986, 1990, 1994 and 1998, and
WHEREAS certain modifications to this policy are deemed appropriate by the 2002 Board of Directors,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that compensation for the First Vice President, the Vice President-Administration/Secretary, and the Vice President-Finance/Treasurer shall take effect on January 1, 2003 in accordance with the following:
1. The policy of reimbursement for Flight Pay Loss shall be continued as basic compensation for the office of First Vice President, Vice President-Administration/Secretary, and Vice President-Finance/Treasurer, who shall be compensated at the rate of the highest paying equipment each is entitled to hold in accordance with his or her system seniority on his or her airline.
2. Flight Pay Loss shall be fixed at the maximum allowable flight time per month, 1/2 day - 1/2 night.
1.No officer elected to any of the three above named offices shall receive less than a minimum of $11,200 per month as basic compensation, not including allowances.
2. Subject to paragraph B.3. below, in no event (other than the officer's voluntary election to change his or her airline status) shall the total of Flight Pay Loss or basic compensation be less than the amount the officer is receiving as of January 1, 2003.

3. An Incumbent First Vice-President, Vice-President Administration/Secretary, or Vice-President Finance/Treasurer who becomes a Retired Member during his or her term of office and remains in office for the remainder of his or her term under the provisions of Article XI, Section 1. A, Article XII, Section 1. A, or Article XIII, Section 1. A of the Constitution and By-Laws, as applicable, shall receive compensation while in Retired status for the remainder of his or her term equal to the difference between what the officer earned, on average, during the six months immediately preceding becoming a Retired Member and the airline funded retirement income he or she is entitled to receive.
4. The First Vice-President, Vice President-Administration/
Secretary, and Vice President-Finance/Treasurer shall not be eligible to participate in nor are they entitled to receive benefits from any pension, medical, disability or other welfare plan of benefits provided to ALPA bargaining unit or non-bargaining unit staff.
5. The Executive Council shall resolve any question of interpretation or application of these compensation and benefit provisions to an individual officer, including, as appropriate, the acquisition of benefits, other than ALPA employee benefits, for an officer who becomes a Retired Member during his or her term in office and remains in office for the remainder of his or her term under the provisions of Article XI, Section 1.A, Article XII, Section 1.A, or Article XIII, Section 1.A of the Constitution and By-Laws.
Each officer shall be granted a National Officer Service Allowance as follows:
For the First Vice President

For the Vice President-Administration/Secretary

For the Vice President-Finance/Treasurer


Beginning in 2004, the annual National Officer Service Allowance shall be increased by an amount equal to the rate of growth in the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) in the preceding year times the Allowance in the previous year. This allowance, together with all costs associated with the ALPA-provided automobile, shall be reported to federal, state, and local authorities as taxable income and shall be made available to each National Officer in such manner as the officer may request. The National Officer Service Allowance shall be considered as provision for reimbursement of extraordinary expenses, both personal and business, associated with service in an ALPA National Officer position and shall not be subject to specific accountability by the individual National Officer.

RESOLVED that for National Officers that took office effective January 1, 1999, the Executive Council shall resolve, as appropriate, the acquisition of benefits, other than ALPA employee benefits, for an officer who becomes or became a Retired Member during his or her term in office and remains in office for the remainder of his or her term under the provisions of Article XI, Section 1.A, Article XII, Section 1.A, or Article XIII, Section 1.A of the Constitution and By-Laws.

RESOLVED that the Board of Directors approve continuation of the existing Dislocation Allowance/Relocation Allowance amounts at the current level for officers elected for the terms commencing January 1, 2003, as follows:
1. In addition to the National Officer Service Allowance, each National Officer may be reimbursed for expenses associated with the provision of hospitality to official guests of the Association, including ALPA members engaged in Association activities, either in the Washington, DC area or in such other location as this activity may occur. Such reimbursement shall be subject to documentation in accordance with standard ALPA expense reimbursement procedures. To facilitate this process, each National Officer shall be provided a corporate credit card to be used for payment of appropriate business expenses for travel, meals, entertainment, and lodging associated with ALPA-related travel outside the Washington, DC area, and provision of appropriate hospitality to official ALPA guests and members on Association business in any location.

2. Upon election to a term of office, each officer shall be eligible for a National Officer Relocation Allowance or the choice of either (a) a National Officer Dislocation Allowance in accordance with the provisions of this policy, or (b) Reimbursement of Lodging, Meals, Travel and Other Incidental Expenses under ALPA Policy as described below. The National Officer shall elect either the National Officer Dislocation Allowance or ALPA Expense Reimbursement policy, as defined herein, on an annual basis.
3. a. The National Officer Relocation Allowance shall provide full reimbursement of actual relocation and related expenses in accordance with the applicable Association policy then in effect. Upon completion of service in one or more consecutive terms of office in a National Officer position (not necessarily the same position), or earlier, if approved by the Special Compensation Review Committee, each officer who has received a National Officer Relocation Allowance during a term of office (including a prior consecutive term of office) shall be eligible for an additional National Officer Relocation Allowance to provide full reimbursement for actual relocation and related expenses to any location in the U.S., Canada, or their territories and possessions. No National Officer shall receive more than one relocation allowance and one additional relocation allowance in connection with one or more consecutive terms of office.
b. A National Officer Relocation Allowance shall not be paid until the related claim of entitlement has been reviewed and approved by the Special Compensation Review Committee. Any claim which the Special Compensation Review Committee is unable to resolve shall be referred to the Executive Board for final resolution.
4. Each ALPA National Officer who maintains a primary residence outside the Washington, DC area, and who has not received a relocation allowance, shall be eligible to receive a National Officer Dislocation Allowance, in accordance with the following terms and conditions:
a. The amount of the National Officer Dislocation Allowance for officers other than the President and for the President for 2003 shall be as follows (including provision for tax liabilities):
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President Other Officers




Travel & Incidental

Total Monthly Allowance

b. For the purpose of the National Officer Dislocation Allowance only, an Incumbent Officer is any National Officer elected for a term commencing January 1, 2003 who was also elected as a National Officer for a term commencing January 1, 1999.

c. The National Officer Dislocation Allowance provided herein shall be deemed sufficient to compensate the respective officer for appropriate housing, meals, and incidental expenses while in the Washington, DC area, and transportation between his/her primary residence outside the Washington, DC area and Washington, DC, together with applicable personal income tax liabilities.
d. The National Officer Dislocation Allowance may be paid to an eligible officer as a lump sum, in an amount not to exceed the unused portion of the annual aggregate amount of the allowance, on a calendar year basis, subject to a specific written request by the officer setting forth the purpose for such request, and review of this request by the Special Compensation Review Committee. In the event an officer leaves office prior to completion of his/her term, any accelerated portion of the National Officer Dislocation Allowance shall be repaid to the Association on a pro-rata basis.

e. No portion of a National Officer Dislocation Allowance shall be paid until the related claim of entitlement has been reviewed and approved by the Special Compensation Review Committee. Continuing entitlement to the National Officer Dislocation Allowance shall be reviewed at least annually by this Committee. Any claim which the Special Compensation Review Committee is unable to resolve shall be referred to the Executive Board for final resolution.

f. Accelerated payment of a National Officer Dislocation Allowance shall not be paid until the related request has been reviewed and approved by the Special Compensation Review Committee. Any request which the Special Compensation Review Committee is unable to resolve shall be referred to the Executive Board for final resolution.

g. The amount of the National Officer Dislocation Allowance may be revised by the Board of Directors, based upon the recommendations of the Special Compensation Review Committee or the Executive Board.
5. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions which preclude a National Officer who has received a National Officer Dislocation Allowance from receiving a National Officer Relocation Allowance and vice versa, the Special Compensation Review Committee may consider and approve a request of a National Officer to receive such payment, provided that the total amount to be paid to such National Officer in connection with a term of office shall not exceed the total amount which the National Officer would have received in monthly payments of the National Officer Dislocation Allowance. Any such request which the Special Compensation Review Committee is unable to resolve shall be referred to the Executive Board for final resolution.
6. If a National Officer selects Reimbursement of Lodging, Meals, Travel and Other Incidental Expenses Under ALPA Policy, the following policies from the ALPA Administrative Manual shall apply:

a. Expense Reimbursement Procedure (Section 60, Part 2, T). Daily Expense Forms must be approved by another National Officer.

b. Taxi Cab Fares and Receipts (Section 60, Part 2, V).

c. Meals and Lodging (Section 60, Part 2, Y). With respect to the Interpretation of the lodging policy, the President shall be reimbursed for up to a three bedroom, two bath unit and the other officers for up to a two bedroom, two bath unit. National Officers may be reimbursed for their monthly rental or mortgage payments.

d. Meals and Travel Expenses – Pilots Employed by Canadian Air Carriers (Section 60, Part 2, Z).

e. Tipping (Section 60, Part 2, AA).

f. Travel Tickets (Section 60, Part 2, QQ).

g. Travel Services (Section 60, Part 2, RR).

h. Income Tax Gross Up Payments (Section 60, Part 2, NNN).

WHEREAS automobiles are required by the National Officers to fulfill the duties of their offices,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that for officers elected for the terms commencing January 1, 2003, ALPA shall obtain a new Buick Park Avenue four door sedan (or similar cost American/North American made automobile) for the use of the First Vice President, Vice President Administration/
Secretary, and Vice President Finance/Treasurer during their four-year term of office. All costs for these automobiles including acquisition costs (lease or purchase), maintenance, insurance, tags and vehicle-related taxes are to be paid by the Association. ALPA shall also reimburse fuel expense related to business use, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ALPA shall obtain a new Lincoln LS (or similar cost American/North American made automobile) for the use of the President for a two-year period to be replaced with a similar vehicle for the subsequent two years of the term of office of the President. All costs for this automobile including acquisition costs (lease or purchase), maintenance, insurance, tags and vehicle-related taxes are to be paid by the Association. ALPA shall also reimburse fuel expense related to business use, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all officers shall notify the ALPA General Manager within 30 days of their election of their automobile choice in accordance with the above and the desired color combination for the vehicle to be acquired by the Association for the officers' use. Should the officer wish to equip the automobile in excess of those items authorized, he may do so by making payment to the Association for the full added cost of the options desired. Such additional options become the property of the Association to be utilized by the officer during the period of his use of the vehicle thus purchased, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cost associated with the National Officer Automobiles shall be subject to Income Tax Gross Up Payments (Section 60, Part 2, NNN).

C'mon Austin Powers convinced Agent Kensington to allow him to call her Vanessa..... baby... (oops)

Just because you most likely look like Austin Powers doesn't mean that you should mimic him. Be warned, the last blowhard that used that line to me in a bar and grabbed me got a swift kneecap right in the balls. Maybe you are into that type of sexual activity and gratification I don't know.

Point is there are consequences. In fact, you are more free to choose the consequences of not paying dues then taxes. Born in this country you have to pay taxes... or renounce citizenship.... you going to have to pay taxes somehwere... if you don't want ot pay ALPA dues then don't join.

LOL, not an option to not join. I wonder what would happen if everyone said FU, I'm not paying?

Union structure is modeled after American democracy. As Austin Powers said... 'Right not we've got freedom and responsibility... its a groovy time...'

ALPA is not a democracy.

No... I've got my issues with the leadership, but I think the membership should deal with thier reposnsibilites first...

You can start with the above

And then what? What about your career?

What career? ALPA has turned this into a job.
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Top. I wonder how the rest of the ALPA membership feels about these salaries and benefits?
Just because you most likely look like Austin Powers doesn't mean that you should mimic him. Be warned, the last blowhard that used that line to me in a bar and grabbed me got a swift kneecap right in the balls. Maybe you are into that type of sexual activity and gratification I don't know.

I doubt I'd be in any bar you would choose to enter... I am just not that kinda of guy... even so... I doubt I'd approach you to talk to you... again... I am not that kinda guy.... so your fantasy to inflict pain will remain just that....baby..

LOL, not an option to not join. I wonder what would happen if everyone said FU, I'm not paying?

You wonder that.... And i'll wonder how effective we will be if ALPA members actually took responsibility...

ALPA is not a democracy.

You're right... it is a republic..

Do you attend LEC meetings?
Did you particapte in Age 60 survey?
Did you vote for your current Congressmen
Did you call your LEC reps on age 60.
Did you call your congressmens office on age 60.

In short.. do you particapte in our democratic republic...

You can start with the above

It is your career. You seems to have issues with your career represenation.... Why should I start with your career? shouldn't you start with your career?

What career? ALPA has turned this into a job.

It is tha same as its always been. You've just created an expectation in your mind that is not reality. You are starting to understand reality.

Look ALPA has allot of problems... but your M.O. is self defeating...

Top. I wonder how the rest of the ALPA membership feels about these salaries and benefits?

As you can tell by the replies...not much. See these benefits were voted on by the membership reps.

Those that are involved in ALPA affairs understand this.. that is why such compensation is approved. But you don't understand it.. and you reject what you don't understand..calling it outrageous and elitists...

All your b!tching does on this board is feed the uninformed. It shounds hip and trendy to to push angst and despair but that really makes you more like Avril L. than a responsible Air Line Pilot. And those with no opinion read your drivel and adopt it... so we get another ineffective member rejecting self government. And your negativity breeds like a virus....

Only till you get informed will you understand... and at that pont you'll be able to intelligently offer ideas to improve the organization...

As usual... the choice is yours....
damn, those ALPA boyz are getting paid !!!

Now what do they do except pi ss off US Air guys ???

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