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Age 65, Merger...Scary time to be new at Cal

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Just look what is happening with USAir Furloughed guys, a precedent has been set. An arbitrator will decide their fate.

What is going on with the USAir Furloughed pilots? I haven't been following it but I guess I should. :)

CAL has 2000 pilots retiring over the next several years. In theory that would move a new pilot here 50% up the seniority less, more or less. A junior CAL pilot post merger can find himself or herself at the very bottom 10 years from now as furloughs are brought back.

What is the retirement picture over at UAL for the next ten years?

Let's hope this doesn't happen!!
If they change the age to 65, CO pilots on the bottom might get furloughed. "duh"!

And pilots that are furloughed at UA, US, AA, DL, NW, and any other airline will be out of work longer!

So what the Hell kind of stupid question is this? I'll take the bait your just trying to show your stupid? Or, are you trying to make pilots fell dumb for applying to CO, because they would be in jeopardy? I guess they could just not apply here because we might layoff again. Well let me, let you in on something CO is going to lay off pilots again someday. And you know what, chances are so will B6, so will Airtran, So will American, So will Virgin America, get the picture.
FN FAL said:
What would happen if you got out of your car and slipped on the ice and became a paraplegic? What would happen if you wound up in the walk in freezer of the restaurant you were eating at during a layover and the armed robbers were executing all the patrons. What would happen if...

Man you should work for the NEWS media. Or maybe sell OIL.;)
Oh... and never underestimate the power of a lump sum option.

Come on guys!!!

CAL is hiring big numbers and all we can do is find some negative spin on hiring?...at the majors???
Many of the Senior pilots at CAL have a substantial investment in the Frozen A Plan. The annuity value won't change unless it is terminated by the PBGC.

However, should age 65 be approved the lump sum amount would be reduced by every day worked over 60. The annuity payments wouldn't start until retirement and the lump sum valuation would also have to survive the reduced years of the mortality table and the possiblity of increased GATT interest rate.

An increase from the present 4.46% to 5% wipes out the valuation today vrs 2007 on the lumpsum. Thus, don't worry about most CAL Senior Pilots extending careers there, instead look for them to start new careers with Virgin America or overseas.

Last week I was in the CAL Training Center and watched 16 new hires walk in the door for the first time. It's a great feeling to see these new pilots on the property, lots of big smiles. Good luck to all of you with CAL.
What was her background before the regionals? If it's the same one I'm thinking of she did a great job in training. Very smart!

Isn't this the second time you posted this?
Over Individuals with twice the total time, Twice the jet PIC time and had at least 3 types to go with it but no inside connections. I think it pretty pathetic that CAL uses these hiring practices.

This happens all the time in every profession. I would say that 99% of the people they hire are very qualified for the position but occasionally this happens. It doesn't necessarily mean she will do a bad job either.
Don't worry about her. It will just piss you off more.

Worry about yourself. They are still hring so keep updating that resume.
Don't forget this important piece of information:

ExpressJet DBA Continental Express, using the BTA code (Britt), with a callsign of Jetlink.
Popgoes bubble:
Try to preoccupy yourself with "who" got hired without paying her/his dues and making determinations as to who and what helped them is pretty counter productive. Better you should consider more positive avenues.......and support or none support of a strike twenty years ago has not much to do with you does it.

Almost everyone agrees that the company wouldn't exist if the employees hadn't found ways to work together........you're adapting an attitude that will cost you the job at CAL.

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