Just adding my info- I was interviewed in Mid Oct and told to expect Fall. I called DH back today to ask if there was any chance the pool would be dissolved (like ASA). He said that's bad business and extremely unlikely at ACA.
Keep up the good attitudes, folks, I can see that our hiring department didnt go wrong. We are all sitting tight here, watching the situation, but we are optimistic and hopefully we will see you guys and gals up here soon. If I do get any good information for you swimmers, I will let you know.
I received this bit of info yesterday. ACA has revised its hiring next year from 350 to 180. With approx 120 of you in the pool, that makes for only about 60 new hires that will be interviewed this year. This came from Dean and Shawn. Also, keep in mind that these #s are very fluid right now, with all that is going on at UAL. If anything, I would find this a bit pessimistic and that the actual 2003 #s for hiring might go up.
so the good news: 1.all of you should hear something this year. 2. This could all change to a more positive picture.
bad news: you may be swimming longer than you thought. 2. Less seniority built once you get here. 3. anyone trying to get on here in 2003 who isnt already in the pool ie trying to get an interview will find it very competitive.
Keep up the positive attitudes guys. Its very refreshing to see esp in times like these. Best of luck and looking forward to flying w/ you.
There are a few new hires in my January 28th DoJet Class. They actually start on Jan 14th for indoc. Several J41 classes have also be added to the schedule in Feb and I believe March (according to one of the instructors who is supposed to teach them). These should be exclusively new hires. There are usually about 8-10 FO's per class. The rest of the new hire slots I posted back a few weeks ago still seems accurate and on course. That does not mean things will not change tomorrow. The whole United thing is putting a lot of pressure on the company to cut costs. There is no doubt that Mesa ( through Freedom) and Chautaqua are putting in bids for UAL flying.
Good luck. keep swimming. I find the side stroke uses some of the least energy. Some of you poolies might want to start an synchronized swim team. ;-)
I interviewed early September and still swimming. I was told I was number 40 in the pool and to expect July as a "worst case scenario class date". On the positive side of things though I've developed a killer back stroke!
Got the call for January 31 class date. Hurray! (For those in the pool, and keeping track of how fast ACA is going through the pool, I interviewed in mid-August).
Good question re: type of aircraft. H.R. Dept. left a message asking that I call them back and accept or decline. Obviously, I called back and accepted Problem is that I have not broken into the 1990s and have yet to get a cell phone, so it's difficult for folks to get ahold of me. Playing phone tag at the moment. I'd gladly take any (or all) three aircraft that they fly.
Congrats on the job. Welcome to the team. From the track record in the past classes starting on a Friday are usually j41. This is only a guess but I think it is a good bet.
The J-41 would be great. But I am confused. I heard they were phasing the fleet out, then I heard they were not, then I heard they were hastening the retirement schedule. Anyone have the scoop?
You're guess is as good as mine. The rumor pendulem swings both ways, but not that way. We'll see if the first one leaves the fleet in Febuary, hopefully 311UE, what a P.O.S. Mostly, it depends on UAL's plans for us out of IAD. The ACA management has been silent recently about IAD, though things are moving in Chicaga.
Newest rumor is that if we do get 70 seat CRJs, the company will want to hold us to the 50 seat pay-scale in return.
What is your flight background? Do you have a 4 year degree? Are you Av-school grad's , traditional CFI's that time build, or were/are you 135 sky pilots? It is my understanding that grads were assigned aircraft according to what Av school they attended. Is this hog wash or actual reality?
I don't think the Av School you attend has anything to do with the aircraft you're assigned. The ND people get put in everything from the CRJ to the J41. The Embry-Riddle people that I know are all over the board as well. I guess you're put where you're needed.
Hey all, just updating some info. Most of you have been in the pool a lot longer than my meager 2 weeks. Got an email from SN today saying possible class in December! I'm just glad to be on with the best regional in the land. Last I knew, I was #136
An e-mail that has been sent by the company to those waiting for class at ACA has been posted in the New Hires & Poolies forum at acaforums.com with projected class dates based on interview dates. Might be helpful for some of you.
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