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AAI/SWA deal called off?

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I have a acouple of questions for anybody that would like to try answering it:

1. I understand that both Air Tran and SWA has to have a transition agreement prior to working on the SLI. Is that correct?

2. Would each side vote on their respective agreement? Would it be a membership vote or just the NC vote?

3. What happens if one side or both cannot pass the agreement?

4. Is arbitration just for the SLI?
Who would be the happy pilots and who would be the sad ones? I wonder why? But SWA pilots get ATL...lol

Funny, I keep hearing the same thing, over and over, every other day "but..., you, you guys get ATL."
1. Yes, there will be a transition agreement between each union and their company--but it's not what some might think. The transition agreement will take care of conflicts the merger creates with the respective contracts. It will also probably include timelines for merger steps to be completed. That said, SWA could do something unexpected and throw money at the SLI and increase the scope of the transition agreement--but don't really expect that to happen.

2. Depends on what's in the agreement. If it doesn't include compensation items, the union boards can likely approve them.

3. Fly now, grieve later.

4. Arbitration is for everything--but there's likely less meat in the transition agreements than would create enough dissention to require it.
Under ALPA rules, or at least ATN-ALPA CBL, a membership vote is not even required for the SLI agreement, so I would be a little surprised if a transition agreement would go to a membership vote, but I haven't seen this question addressed yet.
Under ALPA rules, or at least ATN-ALPA CBL, a membership vote is not even required for the SLI agreement, so I would be a little surprised if a transition agreement would go to a membership vote, but I haven't seen this question addressed yet.

Really? I did not know that....it is for SWAPA. Not sure how much it matters, but I just didn't expect that.
It would be a shame for our AirTran brothers and sisters if this fell through. I have confidence that we can make it work.
Under ALPA rules, or at least ATN-ALPA CBL, a membership vote is not even required for the SLI agreement, so I would be a little surprised if a transition agreement would go to a membership vote, but I haven't seen this question addressed yet.

Are you saying that the NC at Airtran can accept an agreement between SWA and Airtran without the membership voting on it? That would mean that you cannot take it to arbritraion unless the NC refused to accept the SWA agreement and they request arbritation.

Whereas if the SWA memebrship doesn't like the agreement and vote it down they can then request arbritation.

I guess you put a lot of faith in the few people on the NC. Good Luck.
Are you saying that the NC at Airtran can accept an agreement between SWA and Airtran without the membership voting on it?

If an agreement is reached with SWAPA it will be voted on by our MEC only. If we are not able to resolve it between SWAPA and ATN-ALPA, then it will go to an Arbitrator.

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