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AAA-West En-Banc appeal

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... but your old ALPA A$$ holes started the war. Then, you formed an actual army to fight and sue.
What are you talking about?
I hear your boys try to tell Parker that Addington had nothing to do with Nic.
It doesn't. It's about USAPA's DFR.
He shot that lame spin attempt down pretty quick, didn't he?
I guess that makes Parker your hero. In the beginning we had some quaint notions that maybe Parker would look out for his own in the merger but that's obviously not been the case. Congratulations.
DOH cramdown?!?
The bottom East FO at the time of the merger was a 1989 hire. That means a DOH integration puts the bottom East FO senior to 2/3 of the AWA list. That's a cramdown.
Your DOH was all you ever had, and now you want someone elses DOH?!?
Nope, all I want is what was agreed to.
Jesus! You've got roughly 23% of our flying and you've closed an entire base...but you want more?
Actually, we don't have 23% of your flying. The Transition Agreement specifies exactly how the division of flying is to be handled. We're allowed to fly round trips from your hubs just as you're allowed to fly from ours. I've no doubt if the company is violating the TA USAPA would be all over it. If you've discovered a violation please make Dear Leader Cleary aware of it.
Anyway, I'm headed out to live life. Enjoy the Internet. Remember: spin and selective memory will make you feel better about everything.
Okay, bye.
If you guys don't knock it off with people's initials and/or the profanity, I'm gonna start sending ALL of you to the penalty box for a few days.

I know it's very personal to all of you, but you HAVE to follow the rules...

If you guys don't knock it off with people's initials and/or the profanity, I'm gonna start sending ALL of you to the penalty box for a few days.

I know it's very personal to all of you, but you HAVE to follow the rules...


If you sanction a pilot and then they change their login ID, does the sanction still apply? Just askin'.....
They can't change their login I.D. without completely opening a new account.

Unless they're just obviously the same person by going right back into the same threads, write the same way, make the same ToS violations, and we get suspicious and start tracing IP addresses and can use that to determine that it's the same person, it's otherwise hard to tell when someone does that.

A lot of irritation to go through for simply failing to follow the rules, especially when repeated offenses with a different screen name will simply get that one banned, too. Waste of $10 bucks when we'll just delete the offending post and sanction the new person violating the ToS.
I dunno bout much, but that seems to bout sum it up.
Jesus, what is this.. a game of cricket?

This is perhaps the most intriquing question on this entire thread. Does anyone really know the rules of cricket and whether the game actually ends or a team simply says "F!#$ it, we're going home?"


Ya, the AOL crowd has made this merger a living hell. They can't figure out DOH is the gold standard and are screwing the rest of us with their terrorist antics. AOL is holding this pilot group hostage!


You have got to be kidding me. Pot, meet Kettle. Kettle, meet pot.
What exactly is your cause at this point? Won't you now have to wait for a new contract to be negotiated, ratified, and implemented BEFORE you can sue again? Wouldn't it stand to reason it would take a minimum of 2-3 years just to get to the point of another federal lawsuit? And then the appeals.

So are you seeking donations to pay for past or future litigation attempts?
Are you incorporated as an LLC in an attempt to avoid personal liability for legal bills?

I am simply asking honest questions, not making the typical FlightInfo personal attack. Obviously this is an emotional issue, as this topic resurfaces every month. And why am I interested? This situation will impact every future industry merger.

I'm just trying to help disseminate information regarding our legal battle to those parties that are interested. The Ninth has ruled ONLY that the case is not ripe. As such the West pilots are forced to see what USAPA offers in a contract. We also must wait and see exactly what the company will counter-offer. I think LCC management was waiting for the courts to tell them how to handle the seniority. Now LCC has to make a decision.

It is no secret that our legal bills are in the red. Each of us send in what we can, and as I mentioned previously....pilots from other airlines also send in contributions. This (unfortunately) will be a long and drawn out battle between the east pilots that feel they can renege on a process by simply switching collective bargaining units, and the west pilots that went into the process with the thought that all parties were could be trusted to go along with the dictated merger policy.

It's all about what you said you would do. No about what is fair or not fair. If we go by that measurement, then I think the number one pilot should have been an America West pilot.....but we agreed upon a process.

I guess the thing that is truly uncool (IMHO) is:
1. All AWA pilots must pay USAPA union dues in order to keep our jobs (by contractual obligation). No pay, no job.
2. USAPA freely spends "our" union dues in litigation against our pilots (on two fronts: The RICO lawsuit against a couple dozen AWA pilots, and in defense of the DFR lawsuit...now simply deemed "not ripe").
3. ALL litigation in defense of seniority and persecutory RICO is being footed by the AWA pilot group alone.

USAPA and the company are in mediated contract talks presently. We could see a contract offer to vote on (including the mystery seniority list) within the year.

A real monkey wrench is the snap-back. If a arbitrator sees USAPA's point of view, and awards snap-back wages for the east......that will change the dynamic even further.

It's going to be an interesting year.
The arbitrator in that case wasn't even willing to come in from home to hear the case. I think we can get a pretty good idea of what he'll decide.

But binding arbitration doesn't really mean anything, so even if the arbitrator awards something, why should US pay?

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