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AA now wants costs cuts

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Captain Mark,

As an airline captain, I can see you point of view. You want to keep as much as you can. Makes sense.

As someone who has already been furloughed for almost five years, I see things differently. I think that pay/retirement cuts are inevitible. Its basic math. The sooner folks deal with the reality of the new competitive environment, the sooner I go back to work.

I guess it is all a matter of perspective. You want as much pay/retirement as possible. I want a job.
Well said...Senior fellas will eat their young.period... Maybe its always been that way.. Somebody said it on another thread.. but maybe its time for pilots from all carriers to have a show of solidarity.. I say no Logo lights, or star walking side by side... Didnt Alpa start that back in the 30's..? It might time again.. for ALL of the pilot unions to start standing together to retake ground lost.

The pricing pressure and stiff competition on one side, and labor pressure on the other.... Right now, it is easier for them to make quick gains on labor side than increase fares and loose market... If loads fall below a certain level..???. squeeeze...

What do ya say fellow professional pilots ?
Sorry for my bad typing and poor spelling.. Sincere apologies for my fat fingers. Logo Logo....
I would hire new employees on b-scale wages.

Wait a minute -- haven't you been complaining about senior pilots throwing junior pilots under the bus? AA's original B-scale is where this whole mess started -- the Original Sin, as it were.
Big Slick said:
I'm an AA furloughee, so I can say this.

IMHO, we need to get rid of the A and B funds. We will not be able to compete if we don't. I say, the sooner the better.

I would hire new employees on b-scale wages. Even at b-scale wages, American could still hire lots of top-notch folks. Don't believe me? Look how many folks are trying to get hired by the discount airlines right now. If the pay was the same, I would rather work for American than Virgin American.

Do you still have access to the American message boards? Try floating this stuff over there and see what you get. They'll fry you.

You may be right but I'd bet that most of the American folks would tell you to go away with your plan for "success". No way this will happen unless American nears BK again.
Allow me to clarify.

I think the A and B funds will eventualy be gone for good. If other companies don't have them, we can't afford them. Neither can CAL. Basic math. The writing is on the wall, but some folks don't want to read it.

Here is my thought with the "evil" b-scale:
Lets say you get hired at American for the same pay/benefits as Jetblue. Right now that sounds pretty good. A lot of folks would be happy to have that job. Sure beats American Eagle. If things get better in 10 years, the union negotiates to get rid of the b-scale just like last time. If things never improve, Jetblue pay/benefits are the new standard.

Why is that such an evil idea?
737 Pylt said:
I don't know why I'm even acknowledging this idiot with a response....Here goes dumba$$.
Ever hear the term, you're worth what you negotiate?? Probably not. Ao you think its alright for management to just dip into your pocketbook and reward themselves with golden parachutes and bonuses while the company continues to bleed money! Which tells me either you're that stupid and beyond comprehension, or just a management puke in disguise. Now go and pick up some open time and have the captain baby sit your useless a$$!

Again I asked a simple question. Prove to me using actual numbers that a home depot employee makes more than any legacy/lcc airline. Using those same numbers in fact prove that you can make more over time in a career at Home Depot than you can with a career at a regional using the worst case scenario. Paycuts have been discussed already. So if you can make more at home depot why aren't more people jumping ship? I guess if you wanna sit in a warehouse fetching things off the shelf for a career thats ok. Im asking for proof that you will make more money by going there. No one ever gives it because its probably not true. Pilots just like using dramatic worst case scenario examples to make everyone think they are the only ones with a plight. Also while your at it prove how you can make more at mcdonalds, etc. etc.
Okay, is AA serious about pay cuts?

Just a few humble suggestions:
1. Get rid of the AA medical corps. There is no reason to have a staff of doctors and nurses hanging around giving astronaut physicals to everyone that walks in the door. Why is it EVERY other airline asked me for a copy of my medical and pee in the cup, but, AA has this battery of tests administered by Nurse Attila-the-Hun. I don't think I'll ever forget nurse Doom.

2. Get rid of at least half of the "vice-presidents" in charge of cubicle spaces in their own little world. We don't need a manager for every 5 employees.

3. No more bonuses to management until a profit is realized.

4. Grandfather the present A and B fund for present employees, furloughees included. Fair is fair. New hires will get an enhanced 401K. Present emplyees have the option to convert to this enhanced 401K.

5. Sell Eagle-that should get some arguments going, :).

Like I said, just a few humble suggestions. I'm also going on 5 years as a furloughed dude. I've moved on, and, unless something catastrophic happens at my present carrier, I won't be coming back.
The pay cut demand will translate into that dreaded phrase, "Increased Pilot Productivity."

The union will concede flying up to FAR limits, take a pay cut, have the reserve guys work another couple of days a month, and let the company have PBS. There will be a stern sounding no-furlough clause, that they will give up just like the last couple of times.

Then the old dog line holders will sell vacation, call in sick, drop trips, and enjoy life as usual while the junior guys work their tails off for the promise of the golden fleece - the retirement!

mannyaplus11 said:
Okay, is AA serious about pay cuts?

3. No more bonuses to management until a profit is realized.
But, how can these top notch management teams keep all of these fantastic people if they dont give them all of the million dollar bonuses????? I mean, come on!!! They will leave and go on to destroy another airline then!!! We just cannot afford that.....:nuts:

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