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A380 Crash

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Rockhard, we can make it as personal as you want this to be! First thing is that I rode the A380 once, in FEB/2009, I DID NOT LIKE THE AIRPLANE AND NEVER RODE IT AGAIN. Your wonderfull airplane can't make it to my ALD, my B777 DOES, so I ride my wonderfull B777 home without hesitation. Second, your airplane has had many, many problems, you can sit here and lie over and over but you and I know the truth and this is not the place to mention those problems. Third, NONE OF MY FRIENDS WANT TO FLY THE AIRPLANE, we like the B777, most people on the B777 don't want to fly the A380, that is only your inflated ego telling you that we do, the only people who really want to fly the A380 are the A330 pilots and I can understand why after looking at their monthly sched! Anything would be better than that! By the way, I also know some people flying the A380 and my info. comes from them and again this is not the place to talk about that. uba757
Oh no! A Boeing with CFM engines suffers engine failure. Boycott Boeing! :rolleyes:
This happens all the time in the industry and it is what pilots are trained to handle. The issue here is the Rolls engines on the A-380. Qantas has found it can operate no more than 75 flights at full thrust before it needs to replace the engines. Each engine costs $10 million. The flights from LAX to Sydney require full thrust in order to carry a full load of passengers.
uba 757...

Who mentioned anything about Boeing guys wanting to transfer fleets? Not I.

I wouldn't expect any of them would want to transfer fleets and endure 3 months of training for no change in pay. It would be pointless. Not sure what kind of silly point you were trying to make there. Because I made no reference to that nor did i insinuate.

The point I was trying to make is that us guys on the dark side (as you guys like to refer to us as) don't give a craps a$$ about competing with you guys. We want a paycheck, days off and a life. Passengers enjoy the A380... and so do out staff. Not sure what kind of friends you have that don't but one of two things are going on here... either you have limited friends or you are in complete denial. Most of my buds are on the 777, as are a good majority of the guys I play sports with and they all enjoy flying it as a passenger.

It's guys like you who act like young kids competing for the attention of a preschool female... continuously bashing the other guy... or int his case the Airbus. For what? You fail to realize that in the grand scheme of things, we're all on the same team. It's unfortunate some forget that and would rather pi$$ on each other. I could care less what fleet I .... As long as all aircraft bring in revenue, make us competitive against other airlines, brings me a bonus check and some type of pay raise... I'm happy. End of story.

P.S> Your B777 went through the same teething problems back in 1996-1999. Do you recall that? Or were you even around then? Well, I will tell you.... they had many issues and they ironed them out. Most aircraft do. It's part and parcel when designing a new aircraft.
This happens all the time in the industry and it is what pilots are trained to handle. The issue here is the Rolls engines on the A-380. Qantas has found it can operate no more than 75 flights at full thrust before it needs to replace the engines. Each engine costs $10 million. The flights from LAX to Sydney require full thrust in order to carry a full load of passengers.

Humor is obviously wasted in Wyoming; but pray, do tell me more about what pilot's are trained to handle, you di)k.
Rockhard, Again you made this personal by calling me a hypocrite and now you talk about me being a kid. I guess your EGO problems manifest in different ways. You say I am the problem, your attitude and arrogance are the problem. I don't want to fly on the 380 as a pax or as a pilot and that is what I was responding to, you stated that I was probably saying something and then running for something else, something about a lounge, again you made it personal and all I did was go down to your level of thinking and conversation, to see if then you could understand!
You have attacked several people on here for stating opinions different from yours on this tread and I know you will continue to attack me as long as I respond but I don't care, your ego is your problem, not mine.
You ask for evidence but I will not provide any company information on this or any other thread, this is not the correct forum!
No ego here mate...

Just someone willing to call it as I see it. Opinions are one thing, fact less points are another. Which some people give all too well.

The issue that you are a "tool" is still your problem... Not mine.
Again, you prove that being an idiot is easy. The only thing that you have given here is your "OPINION", you compared your 180 to the 744, WOW, really, again you are a joke. You and people like you show that the EK Psychological evaluation should not be used for anything else than for filling a garbage can. I prefer being a tool, than an A$$, which you have pr oven over and over that you are on this thread. Have a nice day. uba757
I've actually given "fact", not opinion. Because you chose to ignore it and listen to the latest rumor amounts cabin crew and wining pilots is your prerogative.

Remember, I fly the aircraft... thus I would say my points and comments are as "fact" as they come. When I say I've taken less then a handful of delays in 2 years due to maintenance, that is "fact".

You on the other hand are talking out of your a$$.... cockpit gossip from another fleet. That's it. Your "opinions are fact less and brought on by "rumor". You have not made one point that was based on "fact".
I never said these were "Witness accounts" These were mates of mine sending me information. Just passing along information, you can decide for yourself whether the Airbus/Rolls Royce A-380 is safe.

They were not 'mates of yours'- you cut and pasted your information from other people, pretending you knew them. You are a liar and I doubt that you are even a pilot.

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