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1st, 2nd, 3rd and Final Climb Segments

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Wastin' time...
Nov 26, 2001
I know I read about and memorized the definitions of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Final Segment Climb long long ago, but can't for the life of me remember the definitions and details, and can't find it in the FAR/AIM.

Any help?

I'm sure I'm missing something and I'm sure someone will let me know, but:

1st: From takeoff to gear up at constant V2, with T/O power
2nd: Gear up to level off, again at V2, with T/O power
3rd: Level, accelerating to Vfs while retracting flaps, with T/O power
Final Segment: At Vfs, 1500', gear/flaps retracted, max. continuous power.
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1st seg. Starts at 35' above runway at V2. Extends to height at end of gear retraction. Postive climb gradient. Constant V2 speed.

2nd seg. Gear is up. Constant V2 speed. 2.4% minimum climb gradient.

3rd seg. Starts at no less than 400 agl. At t/o thrust accelerate to final segment speed (V2 + 5) while retracting flaps.

Final seg. Maximum continuous thrust to 1500' agl or 35' clearance of obstacle

Climb gradient of 3rd and final segments cannot be less than 1.2%
It won't be in the FAR/AIM. It has nothing to do with regulatins or rules.

It deals with aircraft certification - what the airplane will and won't be able to do - not the pilot.

It it covered under Part 25.
JECKEL said:
It won't be in the FAR/AIM. It has nothing to do with regulatins or rules.

It deals with aircraft certification - what the airplane will and won't be able to do - not the pilot.

It it covered under Part 25.
Not to be a d!ck but...

...that's kind of a contradiction isn't it?

"...nothing to do with regulations..."

"...covered under Part 25..."

vclean said:
1st seg. Starts at 35' above runway at V2. Extends to height at end of gear retraction. Postive climb gradient. Constant V2 speed.

2nd seg. Gear is up. Constant V2 speed. 2.4% minimum climb gradient.

3rd seg. Starts at no less than 400 agl. At t/o thrust accelerate to final segment speed (V2 + 5) while retracting flaps.

Final seg. Maximum continuous thrust to 1500' agl or 35' clearance of obstacle

Climb gradient of 3rd and final segments cannot be less than 1.2%
And this is both engines, or single-engine climb?

Thanks for the info!
deez_nutz2000 said:
I really hope you are kidding, seeing that you fly an RJ and all.
These are details that I've learned in the past, haven't used in several years (the definitions of climb segments, that is) and have since forgotten. In the RJ, we have something called a Runway Analysis Manual. It tells us everything we need to know in regard to how heavy we can be to take off on a given runway at a given temerature and flap setting, or whether we can at all, and it's predicated on the most limiting of several factors, one of which is single-engine climb performance. Nowhere does it mention or require knowledge of the definitions of climb segments. I couldn't remember and couldn't find it in the FARs, so I asked. So bite me.

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