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As a Senior Captian, and an ALPA member at UAL I would say yes to your question. Pilot pay is a big part, only because it is a high fixed cost. So many pilots at such a rate times the monthly gaurantee equals a high fixed quanity. It is the payroll across the board, but primarly the pilots, mechanics and flight attendants represent the highest payroll expense, and the pilots are the highest. At United we have many fixed and variable cost that need to be lowered. Unfortunately too little to late. People can sit around and point fingers at whose is to blame, but the fact is whats done is done. We can all monday morning quarterback the situation. Part is to blame on management, part is to blame on the unions, and part is to blame on clinton's tenure for letting the economy getting out of check. So hopefully we will learn from the mistakes that were made and move forward.

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airline costs

Yes, airline payroll costs are but one drop in the bucket, however, they are one of the few that can be adjusted.

For example, if you lease or own gates, not much can be done about the cost. Same with many other suppliers and agreements. They are not easily changed. You purchase your aircraft for use over a long period. A sudden downturn does not mean less cost.

Payroll can be changed as with the current UAL situation where it may be changed by 30% overnight. That is one of the reasons that it gets the attention.

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