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Delta Pilots Hurting THEMSELVES

I don't get it.... Delta pilots, are you guys trying to hurt YOURSELVES????

LET'S SEE: let's get Comair and ASA to give CONCESSIONS... Have you guys even thought this out at all!!!

Why are Comair and ASA growing right now??? Hmmmm, it's because our costs are more in line to a Low Cost Carrier. We can make money! Mother Delta CAN'T!!! Oh yea. If Comair and ASA give up more pay, it will just make us more powerful and more low-cost. More Delta pilot's will lose their routes and jobs, as a result.


If Delta pilots want to keep their jobs, this would be pretty fricking retarded to ask Comair and ASA to give up more pay.

Delta even created Song, so it's costs would be more in line with ASA/Comair, and Jet Blue, Southwest, Airtran, etc.

Look at today's USA TODAY. The low cost carrier is taking over this industry.

IF WE WANT TO SAVE the pilot wages asking Comair and ASA to take PAY CUTS would be VERY VERY VERY COUNTER PRODUCTIVE!
It would only mean more ASA/Comair flights where mother Delta flights used to be, because Delta's mainline jets can't make a freeking cent in today's airline environment!


"Super" Ed,
I'd be willing to bet a Comair/ASA 50 or 70 seater's costs per seat are more in line with a Southwest 737 than a Delta 757. This is why Comair/ASA can still compete in today's economic environment and why mainline is having trouble. You know this is true.

Jetflyer and others:

ASA & Comair are not in line with SWA and Jetblue...our pay is much much lower!

I too feel anger towards another for taking what I perceive is my job, but then I realize it is not my fellow pilot that I should be upset with. I am not pissed off at the Chitaqua pilots for "taking my routes." Imagine what could happen if DALPA got together with ASA/Comair MEC's regularily...we might be able to work together toward an equitable solution for all pilot groups ;-)
Mainline talk with "scooter trash," not likely. One of the first issued to overcome is respect. Mainline guys think that we are second rate pilots who somehow got a hold of "little jets," flown by "kids." They clearly think we're not up to their caliber.

Facts are facts. Not only are Com/ASA costs higher than mainline Delta I bet they are twice that of SWA or Jetblue. Pilot wages aren't a major factor in CASM the "s" stands for seats the RJ is expensive. Now if you talk about RASM that is how the RJ makes it's money. "R" stands for revenue the rj can currently get a revenue premium. Next time it may help you to do some research before you run your mouth.

Gotta agree with Super Ed

Fuel Costs make up a far greater percentage of CASM than Pilot Salaries, or of all labor costs for that matter. The only reason CASM is probably much lower is b/c of all the costs that are rolled up into DAL's CASM, that are not rolled into ASA's CASM.. I.E there are so many business functions that are not required by us regionals... We are told what routes to fly (no Network Anaysts Dept), all advertising is done by Delta (no Marketing), and I could go on and on about the many parts of the infrastructiure that are charged to mainline Delta, it works best that way for Mgt instead of evenly distrubiting it across all seats in the Delta owned Sys (DAL, COM, ASA, soon to be SONG)

However I feel strongly about ASA getting a healthy payraise, and so should all DAL pilots... SJ's pilots are underpaid considering the RASM's they are now generating... these pilots aren't flying props anymore and are basically flying small mainline jets, and if everyone would take that attitude and begin aiding in getting the pay for these pilots in lline for all the SJ operators that would be a start.. DALPA could start demanding accounting principles that require them to evenly distrubute all costs evenly across all Delta owned seats... you wait, Song will be super succesful as DAL mainlines book take on many of the operational costs of an airlines within the airline that will not share its revenue with DAL books. I used to work with mgt at DAL, and that is my feeling.. They will always have a reason to keep trying to whittle you DAL pilots down with the way they conduct business... They can keep your books in the red, while ASA, COMAIR and Songs are comfortably black.

Hope I made sense, canadflyau
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I know I'll regret this in the very near future.... but this is the kind of Flame Bait General Lee loves to bite...

Can't belive the General Lee doesn't have some "Wisdome" (enphasis on " " ) to share with us?

Sorry guys, I had to ask.......

I agree with the SASM and RASM perspective for the RJ.

I wonder if all these guys who think mainline guys think we are second rate pilots ever talk with mainline pilots face to face about these issues while deadheading or commuting or in the cafeteria?

My point being these message boards have a way of bringing the worst comments from both sides.

My experience is the mainline guys are respectful to me and I am to them, most of these folks worked hard for their position, and they seem to respect me in the same way.

I have had two Delta jumpseaters up front recently and they loved the RJ flight deck and were suprised at the work load of the plane and the old school ASA operations(no ACARS).

I think alot if these comments are actually my fellow ASA/Comair pilots who feel insecure about what they do and develop this perception in the mind.

Just be a professional and people will respect you.

"Yes , Candler 521 your parking at gate 24 Bravo, and the Captain and FO need to contact scheduling when you get in, have a great day!"

ohhhhh those hurt.
Re: Gotta agree with Super Ed

canadflyau said:
Fuel Costs make up a far greater percentage of CASM than Pilot Salaries, or of all labor costs for that matter.

That statement is not entirely correct. While fuel is usually slightly higher than pilot salaries, total labor costs (wages and benefits) are by far an airline's largest expense.

That being said, I want to see regional salaries come way up. The more they make, the less incentive mgt has to outsource all of our flying to them. However, with the recent behavior of many of the cmr pilots, I can see why some of our guys are hoping they share in the paid.

I have heard nothing of that sort from our mec, and I highly doubt they are advcating paycuts at DCI.

The 70-seater? That's a whole different story. If Delta wants more than 57 of them, they know who has to fly them!

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