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XJT MEC declares war on ASA pilots.

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Exactly. Proof you do not understand how we "line" bid. Since you obviously have your head in the sand the term "line bidding" is just a term to define a system by which we bid. Bidding INTO conflict allows us to maximize vacation and so on, while PBS simply lays everything around it. Nice try though, watching you defend the ASA MEC and your inferior contract is amusing. Kinda makes you wonder why the ASA management is growing the XJT side and not so much the ASA side.

I fully understand BOTH systems. My question is how do you figure you are going to get open time to do LIW with PBS?
Line bidding isn't going to happen. Now, using PBS, how are you going to improve junior line holders line? Where is the open time going to come from to do that?

With a work rule that says a certain percentage of trips are required to be left in open time. A similar amount that is left for our SLIW, which isn't a lot by the way. After all, isn't you guys that said its about the work rules anyway? This would most likely be required, otherwise it's a concession on the XJT side.
I fully understand BOTH systems. My question is how do you figure you are going to get open time to do LIW with PBS?

We're not. Again not voting for PBS it is a concession I am not willing to give. Now if you give me 100% retro from the date of the XJT concession, plus a moderate raise, 2% more into retirement, equivalent work rules, better reserve rules, a 90 hour guarantee, cheaper and better medical insurance (than ASA and SKWY) then I may be interested. Ill pass on anything less.
We're not. Again not voting for PBS it is a concession I am not willing to give. Now if you give me 100% retro from the date of the XJT concession, plus a moderate raise, 2% more into retirement, equivalent work rules, better reserve rules, a 90 hour guarantee, cheaper and better medical insurance (than ASA and SKWY) then I may be interested. Ill pass on anything less.

D - R - E - A - M - E - R !!!

Or else them some good drugs you're on!

We're not. Again not voting for PBS it is a concession I am not willing to give. Now if you give me 100% retro from the date of the XJT concession, plus a moderate raise, 2% more into retirement, equivalent work rules, better reserve rules, a 90 hour guarantee, cheaper and better medical insurance (than ASA and SKWY) then I may be interested. Ill pass on anything less.

Can we hand you the keys to a new BMW and a Wonka Golden Ticket, also?
With a work rule that says a certain percentage of trips are required to be left in open time. A similar amount that is left for our SLIW, which isn't a lot by the way. After all, isn't you guys that said its about the work rules anyway? This would most likely be required, otherwise it's a concession on the XJT side.

So you're going to withold good trips from senior bidders so that junior bidders can have a better schedule? YGTBSM! Don't you ExpressJet people understand how seniority works? Why don't we just do away with the seniority system?
I don't think you fully understand the ASA pilot group...We have taken on management, we have taken on mainline MECs...and we have sued ALPA national....Unlike you, we have never voted for concessions. We aren't going to have a failing airline impose it's wants on us....You can stomp your feet all you want...We simply don't care....

I've told you more than once, the FOUR times I've voted on concession in my career, with two of those votes at XJT, I voted NO. But please, keep blathering on like a moron. You're pretty good at it. As far as how "tough" you think a certain pilot group is, I've heard MANY times that the ASA MEC accepted PBS WITHOUT fully reading/comprehending the language. Doen't sound very tough/militant to me.

Line bidding isn't going to happen. Now, using PBS, how are you going to improve junior line holders line? Where is the open time going to come from to do that?

I fully understand BOTH systems. My question is how do you figure you are going to get open time to do LIW with PBS?

With a work rule that says a certain percentage of trips are required to be left in open time. A similar amount that is left for our SLIW, which isn't a lot by the way. After all, isn't you guys that said its about the work rules anyway? This would most likely be required, otherwise it's a concession on the XJT side.

To expand on what Nevets says, it's about the work rules. Now, it depends on which side of the fence a pilot is on. Are they the "OMG OMG OMG, we have to get our knees and surrend to whatever the company wants and be cost competitive unless we'll all be out of a job tomorrow!!!!" Well, there's just no hope.

Or, as mentioned, work rule language. If a pilot finds themselves on the side that they want all they can get and all their seniority can hold, then, alter the 1's and 0's of the program. Whereas a vacation(s) and training dates are known before the bid closes. Pilot bids for trips that will conflict as they see fit, line is built. Vacation/training is "dropped" into awarded line, conflicting trips drop and fall to the next most junior bidder wanting said specific trips. Seniority for specific trips is protected on down the line. Would it create as much as the XJT ILIW? Nope, due to no transition conflict there wouldn't be as much. But again, along the lines what Nevets said, you'd have AT LEAST as much as the XJT SLIW does. Combine that with BD/WD and there'd be options for pilots that didn't get 100% of their preferences/first bid sheet, whatever.
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This is exactly why this merger isn't going to work and we need to stay separate. The ASA pilots will never support a globalized PBS system.....We are getting tired of the "we are bigger so that is the way it's going to be" attitude from you. We bought you and you were failing. We are the surviving carrier.

The only solution to this standoff is to petition the NMB for separate pilot groups and separate PWAs. We will not allow you to ram your views of "fair" down our throats...

Coming from another ASA pilot.....SKYW bought them because ASA was failing..... Have you considered the possibility that the merger was a way to prevent ASA from going under?
Thats incorrect!! I have been here eight years and I held three on four off until Scott Hall came along and decided that three days weren't efficient. Don't revise history because you are to ignorant to use PBS effectively. I love PBS and I'm middle of the pack in IAD. If you're junior it sucks!! Doesn't matter if its PBS, line bidding, or a gang bang, you get the left overs.

Too means 'as well' or conveys the idea of 'in excess'.
To is a preposition (e.g., Give it to her.) or is used to show the infinitive form of a verb (e.g., I want to run.)

If you are gonna call someone ignorant you better know the difference between to and too

Back to my point without any personal insults.
I was a first officer for three years and held 3 on 4 off up until a few months before I upgraded (s.h. did away with them). This was probably when you upgraded. I was displaced shortly after and when I went back to f.o. I held 3 on 4 off for the next 2 years. Now I am very junior and on reserve so I am not messing up my bid I just can't hold anything. I used to get 4 3 days a month worth around 18 hours each = 72 hours or so. The credit window now is usually above 85 so my old trips wouldn't complete a schedule even if I could get them. There might not have been many 3 day trip lines but as a very senior f.o. I could hold them.

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