I don't remember the airport but it was a VOR approach with a holding pattern at the VOR with a teardrop PT. I was asked if I approached at 18,000, what was I going to do to lose altitude down to the MEA? Another board asked what was the difference between Transition Level and Transition Altitude. In the States its all 18,000 but in other countries these altitudes are different but Jepp lists them on the plate.
FYI... a jepp is a jepp. know what to look for in Mnts area's. in either Durango COL or EL Burro MEX what are you looking for so you hit anything that dings a plane...
The check airmen at the compnay have in the past asked guys doing their reccurent pc about GRID MORAs. Minimum Off-Route Altitudes...Ya know those numbers inside each grid on an enroute chart.
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