I.P. Freley vbmenu_register("postmenu_223460", true);
Uhhhh... Maintenance?
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 1,084
Aircraft Experience: None that would make your hair stand on end.
Flight Experience: What, me military?
Ratings: ATP, BE-1900 and SF-340
Current Position: Pining for the Fjords
Total Time: 5500+
Man am I going to love it when all of these sanctimonious ExpJet blowhards don't get the contract that "raises the bar" and we can all slam THEM.
Go ahead, EJ, make a liar out of me. It's easy to slam Mesa/CHQ/whomever, but I don't think you have the cojones... and I look forward to the result.
I think that some EJ pilotos can learn a thing or two from the old "glass houses" thing.
Already salivating in anticipation....
"ClevelandCenter, we regret to inform you that we are unable to maintain 500 feet per minute in the climb."
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