So far so good. I really get a kick out of flying a Beech in the 121 world. Can't lie, actually flying (no a/p) helps (self respect boost!), and so does the size of the airplane since the salary seems to bother me less. Flying an RJ for that money (or less!) would really tick me off.
Anyway, at my current gig I am home everynight, usually work two long days and two SUPER short days, work with great people, get three or four day weekends almost every week - this is supposed to be a job? I worked real jobs before all of this - some payed better. know what though? Real jobs suck!
Guess it all depends which airline you end up in. Made a good choice as to a regional, now I just want PIC and to make another good choice as to a major.
After 9/11 I went from an office job at a Fractional to street with a severence package and the promise of unemployment for a while. I already had my Inst/Multi Comm so I finished my last semester loaded up the Honda and went to South Florida. I ended up towing banners for two great seasons. One in Hollywood and the other in Panama City Beach. I was living two blocks off the beach flying off of grass with some really cool people, all of them are still my friends. Not to mention the loads of tourist girls cutting loose for their one week a year, a new batch every week. Got back home and sold cars then got a job flying freight in Caravans then 401/402's. I did that for the next 2 years. Lots of good times there and alot of lessons learned. Now I'm an F/O at Expressjet flying the branded product looking at upgrade after the first of the year. It's what you make it and I would not change a thing, I love to fly!
I am pretty sure the original poster meant would you start over if you knew then what you know now ABOUT AVIATION! I mean ******************** it would just take the knowledge of one lotter number or great stock run and we would all be screwing hot models for a living.
Thanks for those that support the Aviator thread. Those that want to quit, go ahead. Pushing the throttles up after 30 years is still a great thrill for me. Yip, I've been in and out of YIP in a DC-10 and thought it was great. I hope you still get some time behind the yoke. All you other guys who are living for the paycheck, get another job or get in line with what we do. When they scatter my ashes at 6000 feet, they'll be able to say he lived the life he loved. Chose your fate wisely. I do't go to work pissed off anymore, and I'm loving every minute of it.
Would not change a thing.
Its about Flying! I've loved it since my first flight in the Good Year Blimp at 7 years old, MIA 1957. Sat in a EA connie jump seat MIA to BOS 1960,sad that kids today can do that. Never imagined or wanted to do any thing other then Fly aircraft. I'm an aviator always was, always will be. I tried 'not' flying for several years. I could not give it up knowing what the world felt like on those special times aloft. Happiness for me is following ones bliss My bliss is not earth bound but skyward.
I left aviation after flying here and there for 8 years. I made it to a regional and even stayed for a year. One of the main reasons i left, besides low pay, and no job security, is that flying a passenger plane was boring to me compared to flying fireght in a broken piece of ****** airplane through weather that makes your knees shake. I guess I am a frieght dog at heart who got bored with crew scheduling. Although, I did like flying the Turbo Prop (J-41) at 6,000 ft and trying to get to my destination by folowing train tracks and towers across MO. So in answering your question, yes I do it all over again the journey to get the airline job was the best part.
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