Heres my 2 cents.. Not like it amounts to much... I would also look at future hiring. If DAL plans on hiring 2000 guys in the next 3 years and Airtran plans on hiring only 500, I would go to DAL..... None of us have any clue which airlines are gonna be around in 15 years, let alone 20 or 30.. Plus, current contracts or TA's are going to change so much over the next 15-30 years that if you base your decisions on current contracts, your foolish.. However, seniority is huge. Climbing up a seniortiy ladder fast is the only way you can hope to improve your job security.. That is the reason I wouldn't leave AAI for anywhere else at this point. I'm not going to give up all those seniority numbers at AAI to be at the bottom of somwhere else (ie. a sitting duck if the chit hits the fan again).. Plus, if a merger does happen at any company the senior guys usually fare better than junior guys... As of today, I don't think you can go wrong at either DAL or AAI.. However, things change overnight in the airlines.. Since your already at DAL, I would hold on tight and hope they start hiring everyone and thier hot sisters...