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WIA funds for Type in KY

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Get something that is not related to flying. When this happens again and it will in some way then you will be prepared. I say get something medical. They will oftenhire you PRN status (as needed) and you will have two sources of income. Don't put all your eggs in one basket
OK, maybe I worded it wrong. However, I am unemployed...have been looking for employment for 8 months.....and I qualify for Federal help that will possibly provide me help getting a job. If you have a problem with that you can come take if from me, or go $%#& yourself.

So have I been out for 7 months, but that is my choice! I want to stay in Aviation so I choose to keep looking here....due to that choice I should take care of myself and not expect YOU or anyone else to do this for me. I am not taking or do I deserve ANY aid! nor do you or anyone else that is capable of getting a job! There are plenty of jobs out there! remember 90% of America is still working....sure it may not be the type of job you want but I bet if there was not "aid" and you did not plan for the loss of your job you would have something anything....you will eat. Problem is as the Govt makes it easier to Take away from me and give to you it becomes common place for you to accept this as "your right" or "you need it" Or the best one "I deserve it" (and as you see from all the Spears thrown at me this is becoming the norm for people.....dependency!) ...I know you are capable of working because you are already educated and have the ability to reason (you are a pilot) and folks that do that are not the bottom of the barrel! I have no RIGHT to take it from you as you have no right to have the GOVT take it from me! It's called self dependence. Now our system (that I know you will agree is VERY broken) is set up for you to accept this dependency......and become part of the problem that is weighing down the system! I choose not to.....you choose to it a choice! Now there are people in the world that NEED help (Haiti come to mind) they NEED help..... Sorry I am so passionate about taking our country back! I take it very personally that there are those on here giving me hell for not giving up like they have about "we cant do anything about the govt taking our money" or "you can't do anything about where they spend the money" GOD people....wake the heck up of course we can do something about it! But The powers that be are hoping you will do exactly as you are doing and saying because that is the DEPENDENCY they must have to do as they please and control you!

As for whomever made the VA Assessment comment, perhaps you are correct. My core values and beliefs are part of me....thank god! If that means I don't fit the mold because I believe in my own ability, my own hard work, my own planning, my own responsibility, etc etc....then perhaps that was a good assessment for me to fail. Sure I am not happy about it, so if your point was to slap me while I was a bit down....Well done you win! But at least I am still standing on my two feet trying to find people that are willing to help me because they want too not because they are being forced to. PA44jockry I do wish you luck in whatever you decide to do....I just wanted you to look at this whole "govt giveaway thing" a real look......do what you need for your family and you....but understand I know you can do it without the GOVT you can DO IT ON YOUR OWN! As far as *&^$& myself...I have tried and I am not well enough endowed....Too bad though! Ive said my piece blast away, Ive said all I will!
Stop yelling - your righteous indignation will get you nowhere and does nothing to improve the message delivered in your "class".

Despite your passionate posting, the tax man did not put a gun to your head and forcibly take your hard-earned money - you gave it to him.

There is no "settling" - the money *is* gone. That's reality. You won't get yours back, and I won't get mine back. "Demanding" how your tax money is spent doesn't do anything, as out republic isn't work that way.

Sorry I lied I had to address this....try not paying your tax!!! You will see the gun come out and they will do what they like to TAKE the money! Hell I don't give them anything....they tell me what I have to pay and I HAVE to pay it! If not I will go to jail not because I want to go to Jail but because they have the "big" guns and throw me there!

As for our Republic (thank you for knowing we are a republic) when it was founded ALL the way until WW2 we payed no income Tax, NO state tax, we paid no withholding this was something instituted as a short term need to pay for the war! 80 years later it's still here and is the tool used by political hacks to bribe the masses to vote for them! I think you will be surprised if enough Americans don't give up and become engaged (it's real hard work believe me) and demand they know where the money is spent and then demand how it will be spent, it would be done that way! But as long as there are enough people that think "There is no "settling" - the money *is* gone. That's reality." it really is gone!!! and so will more and more of your and my freedoms!!!
My first instinct was to just let you continue to rant about the evils of taxes and big bad government. Against my better judgment I have decided to jump back into this pissing contest and explain to you why some folks here have decided to come back at you. You obviously are very committed to your view. The big problem here is that a fellow aviator has come looking for help. When he ask legitimate questions with regards to a legitimate government program that he and I have paid for with our taxes, You grabbed the biggest soap box you could find, jumped up on it and started yelling about the evils of someone using that help that they are entitled to. Yeah that’s right I said he is entitled to it. He paid for it and so have I and many others. You don’t know anything about what he has or has not done in search of employment. In the spirit of full disclosure I have about 6 more months on the street than you and have also been rejected after taking Previsor. You can bet your holier than thou a$$ that I am out looking under every rock and chasing down any possible lead I can to get back to work and support my family. When I do I will be happy to pay my taxes and replenish what I have been forced to use in support of my family. If it takes using WIA to get a type or training that will land me a job, so be it. I don’t know about you but I have always trained to use all available agencies to safely complete the flight. At first I thought my Previsor shot was a bit cold but the more I read from you the happier I am to shake that pulpit you have decided to occupy. Maybe another 6 months of rejection letters will soften your views on what it is going to take to get your next paycheck.
My first instinct was to just let you continue to rant about the evils of taxes and big bad government. Against my better judgment I have decided to jump back into this pissing contest and explain to you why some folks here have decided to come back at you. You obviously are very committed to your view. The big problem here is that a fellow aviator has come looking for help. When he ask legitimate questions with regards to a legitimate government program that he and I have paid for with our taxes, You grabbed the biggest soap box you could find, jumped up on it and started yelling about the evils of someone using that help that they are entitled to. Yeah that’s right I said he is entitled to it. He paid for it and so have I and many others. You don’t know anything about what he has or has not done in search of employment. In the spirit of full disclosure I have about 6 more months on the street than you and have also been rejected after taking Previsor. You can bet your holier than thou a$$ that I am out looking under every rock and chasing down any possible lead I can to get back to work and support my family. When I do I will be happy to pay my taxes and replenish what I have been forced to use in support of my family. If it takes using WIA to get a type or training that will land me a job, so be it. I don’t know about you but I have always trained to use all available agencies to safely complete the flight. At first I thought my Previsor shot was a bit cold but the more I read from you the happier I am to shake that pulpit you have decided to occupy. Maybe another 6 months of rejection letters will soften your views on what it is going to take to get your next paycheck.

Thanks Garbage....A nicely put well thought out point of view. Perhaps my view will change....I really hope not, You are correct I did take this soap box...but it's because I see so many of our brothers and sisters buying into "how it is" they and you are 100% correct that it is this way, I just want to make sure everyone knows it does not have to be. Your comment was cold, but it's how you felt/feel. It did not shake my pulpit one bit, (made me feel bad) but as you stated I am committed to my views, sure they can be changed based on logic and reason but I will debate them with anyone. I am also not dumb enough to believe that people should not use the system.... ( ive just chosen not too) I just wanted people to think that there may be other ways and to not rely on these programs 100%.

It really sucks you've been on the street that long! It's simply not right, for that to happen to anyone. I wish there was something I could do to help, I have a couple of leeds I will forward to you in a PM. As for me I'm in this for the long hall! If it takes 12 more months or until the geezer meter hits 2012 I'm here. This is my second time around...all the funds were in place for when this happened again. (some say Im lucky...I don't agree I believe we make our luck) That said I have found work doing whatever comes along, I've plowed driveways, shoveled sidewalks, cut grass, cut firewood, fixed screens, fixed plumbing all payed a little here and there it all helps. Beats sitting on FI all day!

Thanks again for the thought provoking reply.
Ok Rigger, Let's consider this a handshake then. As I had alluded to in my previous post. Your are commited and entitled to your view's. The point I was trying to convey was that maybe this was not the best thread to share them in. After seeing your ability to recognize another point of view and a desire to help out, I once again am feeling that my Previsor comment was a little below the belt. For that I apologize
Unfortunately I am thinking we may be waiting for that Geezer Meter to peg before this ship starts to turn around. Best of luck in the search.
WIA has been around for years upon years, federal program that each state administers differently that provides job assistance to the unemployed or soon to be unemployed. The program will provide training to a NEW field that is demand, it also opens the door for additional assistance if needed. Again, each state runs it differently with regards to additional assistance.

Additional assistance can be bus passes, gas cards, rent/utility assistance, car insurance assistance, interview clothes assistance, and the list goes on.

it is a fixed rate and fixed time period, generally 2 years and the financial part can be upwards of 10K depending on your state. Approval can take days to months to attain, the red tape can be painful but in the end it can be worth it.

You can be trained in another state, higher power (737 type) for a period would actually help people through the WIA process and usually WIA covered the entire cost for the type.

The current situation is two-fold, post 9/11 every pilot rushed to WIA and raped them for types in anything that flew and WIA paid. After the states were burned because the those new types rarely netted new jobs, no state will pay for a new type unless you have a letter from an employer stating with the type they will hire you. Even then, most training providers for types are no longer authorized. The second side is everyone knows there are no aviation jobs, most states now go by DOL quarterly reports on jobs/careers. If there is flat or negative growth no state will fund that WIA training program. Even in low growth, the individual case manager will have to be convinced.

WIA is a great program, just be realistic in your goals, apply for any additional assistance (and KY offers quite a bit). It is a one shot deal for 2 years, you will never, ever get WIA a second time.

this is a second chance for some people who just don't have the facilities to be re-trained. It is also a second chance for those who put all the eggs in one basket hoping this career would pan out. I respect the other views, but heck what ever it takes at the end of the day to put the food on the table is what counts. How you get there is your own choice.

Lastly, almost every community college has record enrollment, the sharp increase is partly from WIA. If you are going to use WIA, get some college credit would be my suggestion. That will stay with you longer that any dispatch or type rating. Most community colleges have fast track programs to get you that certificate/degree for a new job/career within the WIA timeframe and financial limitations.
WHAT!!! WHAT!!!, what is it you are trying to say Dondk? I find that I can only read about every third word of your post before my eyes start to wander back to your Avatar.No but seriously you post some good information, Thanks. I did not go the WIA route with my first furlough four years ago but I am seriously considering looking into training outside of aviation with this one. I still have a few irons in the fire on the aviation side but I also must be realistic. I am thinking something medical as well. This is not your usual run of the mill 10 year cycle that we often see in the flying game. Competition is beyond fierce and not just for the few flying gigs. I have found myself competing with out of work AOL managers for positions at Dick’s Sporting Goods. I have a stack of rejection letters from non flying jobs equal in size to the flying ones. If they even have the courtesy to reply. There is a whole new set of obstacles for a pilot on the street. You will often here that you are too qualified for the position or that they don’t think you are interested in them for the long haul and will return to the air eventually. Another of my favorites is that your skill set does not transfer to our field. I hate to say it but many are valid concerns on their part. Things might be different if they did not have a stack of resumes on the desk of people who were just shown the door with the skill sets they want. What I am trying to convey is that WIA is a good option but you will need to be realistic in your expectations. WIA has learned much in the last four years and the chance of them putting up cash for anything aviation related is small. My local office only allowed for A&P training with a $4000 cap. That presents the Catch 22 of they provide $4000 but you need to show ability to pay the remainder of cost while you are receiving unemployment as your only income. Good luck with that math. Someone pointed out that your results may vary based on where you live. Another good point, please do not take my experiences as gospel. Give it a shot, what is the worst they can say, No? Best of luck in the search.
Trash Man
Sorry about that avatar, in this industry we all need a little distraction from time to time:)

With my 1st furlough in '01, I tried the WIA route. I was something like number 3472 and they were serving number 5. Since I live is what was a former hub for a legacy I had some serious competition. I never made it to WIA back then. This time around, the former hub is a graveyard for aviation, and the WIA people know it. Thus, they are more willing to help anyone looking to get out of aviation. I was approved in a matter of days.

Like you mention, some area's are still aviation friendly, most are not. Most area's are medically friendly, but let me warn that is becoming the next hot spot. As an example, the local nursing programs here had record turnouts for the spring admission, Fall 2010 is going to be more competitive since many were turned away for Spring. At my local WIA some medical programs are closed because there are too many people going for the program. If the needs are for 50 nuclear med techs and you have 500 that want it, it doesn't take a math genius to figure out at the end 450 will not have jobs.

I hope those that are waiting for the geezers to move on are right, I am for one not counting on it. C'mon, most companies are reducing their airframes and while they may have 50 "on order". I don't see any of the manufactures having 50 just sitting there waiting to be picked up. 50 on order still means years before they show up on the property. I agree this 10 year cycle is gonna go way more than 10 years (I hope i am wrong).

Regardless, you are right, WIA is an option. Another option that is quickly becoming flooded is civil service lists for state, city and county jobs. Qualifications mean nothing, it is how well you score on a test and of course if you are a veteran it helps.

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