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Why You Need An Electronic Logbook

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LBPro: U can print it yourself, and save a TON of money. I did it that way, and have a long post explaining how to do it, as it can be tricky at first.

It is easiest to have LBPro do everything, but it costs a lot.

Good luck to you!

Paper logbooks don't need batteries or don't need to be backed-up. Don't have to worry about the paper hard drive crashing. I just have to be concerned with the cup of coffee siting near by when I do my update.

I am a techno-weenie by the way.

U DO have to worry about losing that paper log book. I lost one, and I won't again, as my electronic one is in 3 different places.

I agree. My poor handwriting alone is reason enough. In addition to helping fill out applications and resumes logbook pro is great for converting military time to civilian. My only complaint is it only does this for total time not PIC, SIC, etc.

I'm not sure I agree with putting a whole day on one line. I like to see the airports for each leg and add remarks if anything of interest happens such as a divert. That way when someone asks in an interview "tell me about your last divert" I'll be prepared.

You can list the airports for each leg under "route of flight." You can also list the divert in the remarks. I also use Airline Pilot Daily Logbook (like the little red book) on my palm pilot. I sync it to the computer and automatically fills in Logbook Pro. Electronic is the way to go (free or otherwise).
I use Safelog, love it. Better in every way to paper. I keep 5 back ups, one which is on a memory stick in a safe deposit box. Both my papers logs books were stolen, along with my rental car, cloths, flight bag, passport and laptop while on a job interview 8 years ago. I was just lucky that at home, I had all but about 200 hrs backed up on an Excel logbook I had made on my own. Matter fact Safelog now offers on line backup now, which I will soon be using also.
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I agree. I simply back up my logbook to my computer first, then I send a copy of the file to both my Yahoo and Gmail email accounts. Then I have it backed up in 3 places.
I use Safelog and think it's the best, except for the printing options, but I've found a way to fix that too (it's labor intensive though).
Agreed, supposed to be working on printing issues. Once done, will be hard to find any fault at all
I'd like to convert. But in Logbook Pro, I can't figure out how to get your starting (total) time-to-date entered. Any help would be appreciated.

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