For those of us that have read his books and his memoir, it is obvious that Buck knows what he preaches. An excellent writer, and I'm sure an excellent aviator in his time he still comes up with honest no BS articles everyday. I would love to meet him..........
I've always said, if you make one spectacular "save" during your career, just one, using superior training and airmanship to save a crippled or burning 757 full of people, you've recouped every penny your employer pays you over your entire career, X10 at least. Consider a hull at 35 million, plus lawsuits, plus of course the knowledge that everyone lives, and your entire professional pilot life is encapsulated in that one moment. Many pilots make several saves over 30 years, some never do one, but they are prepared to do so, because they are professionals.
"I don't make six figures to fly a 737 from KBOS to KLAX on a clear day. I make six figures when I land overweight, RVR 1200, on fire, after sucking a few seagulls into #2 after rotation, and safely land the jet."
Good article. its nice to finally have
someone write a story that doesn't
say that pilots are overpaid whinners.
As an aside-- I would highly reccomend
Weather Flying by Mr. Buck. Oddly, it is
written as a novel, but I learned more about
real world weather decisions than any
how to weather mannual
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