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I was at the ripe old age of six before I decided to make a career out of this. One parent insisted that it was a bad idea, and that I had dang well better get another career in order. The other parent, of course, was a pilot, and seconded that opinion. I had a front-row seat for the collapse of People Express, and then had the distinct pleasure of being part of a family of six whose only source of income was Frank Lorenzo's Continental. When dad finally got on with UAL, we figured the bad times were over (note: WRONG). I entered the work force at 14, so unlike most pilots my age I know exactly how much fun there is to be had working a 9-5 job (or a 4-12, or an 8-6...) All that aside, I majored in aviation, but took the LSAT and did a bunch of computer and business courses on top of it. The other stuff's all strictly backup - I know what I'm here to do. I took a big ol' paycut to move on to my current airline job, and I've loved almost every minute.

I love aviation, but never had any illusions of a big paycheck and carefree living. So what kind of study are you doing here, anyway?
Probably since the age of 10 when my dad took me flying for the first time in a Piper Tomahawk.

I've been hooked ever since.
I remember being 6 years old on a american airline somewhere over the pacific going from the phillipines to california (military parents) standing between the FE and the two pilots asking whats this? Whats that? All the knobs and switches just really interested me. I always wondered how somebody could know where to put all the knobs and switches. LOL Plus my dad was a pilot since I was born, I took my first small airplane ride as a infant and touched my first flight controls when I was 5. My dad was fairly low time because he was a government employee overseas and we could only fly where they had a aeroclub or regulations permitted. We flew in Italy, Phillipines, and Panama. It was infrequent that we flew but it always had a impression and he did'nt have many hours in fact my first year or two flying I passed his hours, before I knew it he was asking me questions. Of course he was a heck of a pilot for his hours, thats what I tell everybody since he can't show them himself. (died about 7 months ago)
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I do it to give the people the illusion that I am intellegent. Its a way to try and cover up insecurities.

The real reason is I cant think of anything else I'd rather be doing.

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