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Who's making money these days?

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Major airline pilots make much less these days. That's stating the obvious. Doctors, at least GP's, the average lawyer, engineers, and so on also make less in general. The middle class lifestyle afforded by our parents is very much out of reach for our generation, even with a college degree. So the question is, who is making the same or more than the old days? I know there are pockets of prosperity here and there, but in general it seems everyone has it worse, which is not a good thing, especially for pilots. CEO's don't count, we all know how out of whack that situation is. Discuss.

You are probably a communist homosexual riddled with class envy. To answer your question....

Jobs which are not subject to overseas competition and require a high degree of skill.
got kicked out of your occupy wherever protest and decided to come here and complain?

Typical. Knee-jerk political response. He is right, most professions have not kept pace with inflation. However, the investor class and executive class earnings have increased by magnitudes. Look at the income distribution data and honestly say that the trends of the last several decades are GOOD for Americans.
Well said-
Good question-
Get involved, make your voice heard, call congress, call your senators, bring rationality to Occupy-
I'm sure occupy is as disorganized as it seems- means a lot to a lot of different people-
For me- mortgage backed securities/derivatives/ record bonuses/ airline exec absurdity/
It's been a war on the middle class for 30 years and we should recognize it- and get in the fight-
Our economic structure is devolving into what it's always been in the unregulated history of humanity- oligarchy, then monarchy/feudalism- how far do we let it go and just make fun of the more ridiculous occupiers-
I really don't care if the lazy starve- but when hard working solid professionals go bankrupt bc the deck is stacked against them in an unfair playing field?? That's a problem worth protesting-

Correct. There has been class warfare going on for decades, or longer. The problem is, the middle class has been losing the war for along time. The war has been taken to us, not by us.
IMO- larger problem-
From 1940-1995, a Harvard MbA and a Harvard med student could expect roughly the same career earnings-
Since then, the MBA has outlearned the surgeons by 400%-
it's been a redistribution of wealth- from those who produce and earn, to those who manage the earners- of epic proportions-

We are just one example-
And the MBAs have leveraged our own discontent with the slackers and disproportionate taxation to win political and regulatory benefits for themselves- meanwhile they pay themselves $1 in income and pay 15% capital gains when they manage to pay at all-
The deck is stacked- and we've helped stack it

Frickin spot on man.
If you repeat lies often enough, and obscure economic issues with nebulous red herrings like "values" and a "War on Terror," you will eventually trick the average American to vote against his own economic self-interest. Throw in a few catchphrases like, "job creators," and "punishing success," vilify unions who fight against the tide, and people who were previously referred to as "down on their luck," but are presently referred to as "leaches," and their fate is sealed.
pilot pay is borderline embarrassing in the US... I think barring the most senior captains at Fedex, UPS, WN and maybe AA and DAL (to a much lesser extent).... they are grossly underpaid and most 10 year grads in Finance, Accounting, Engineering, Science, as well as Sales and Marketing people make way more than the average Big jet FO, or 2nd tier airline Captain... it's pathetic.

At least in the overseas market, the pilot wage is still well above the average wage, but that gap will narrow also if the US doesn't pick up the slack.
If you repeat lies often enough, and obscure economic issues with nebulous red herrings like "values" and a "War on Terror," you will eventually trick the average American to vote against his own economic self-interest. Throw in a few catchphrases like, "job creators," and "punishing success," vilify unions who fight against the tide, and people who were previously referred to as "down on their luck," but are presently referred to as "leaches," and their fate is sealed.

As usual Goggles, you're spot on my friend.... spot on!
Meth dealers, much like investment bankers and CEOs, they deal in human misery and profit immensely.

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