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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2003
Just wondering who the "regional" carriers are with contracts coming up. Are you going to stand up for yourselves or back down like Mesa and Skywest. Thoughts?

Sounds like flamebait to ME.

"Thought" has nothing to do with it.
BlackCoffee said:
Just wondering who the "regional" carriers are with contracts coming up. Are you going to stand up for yourselves or back down like Mesa and Skywest. Thoughts?

And you fly for who????
Yes, its flamebait but I agree with him. It shouldn't matter where you fly. We are all in the same boat and we need to work together. One pilot groups failures will hurt us all in some way.

No flame. Don't fly for anyone. Just an old man who hangs at the airport and reads this site too much. It seems everyone is giving in to Union busting. It sounds like Delta is going to fight the company, but what about the regionals? I only mention Mesa and Skywest because of what I read on this site.
Chautauqua has a strike vote out now. Time will tell but I dont know anyone that has voted no. I am sure that there will we some that fall for there union busting fear tactics but I hope not.
The Skywest TA will be industry standard in 18 months, no doubt about it.

Bye Bye--General Lee:rolleyes:
I agree with general lee for once. Mesa started the downfall and Skywest threw more dirt on the grave.

Don't know why people keep underestimating 'em. They are on, I believe, only their second contract. They are quite a bit larger than Skywest.


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