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What would you do if xxx offered you a class date before we did?

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2004
"and you can't push the class date back".

This will likely follow the "where else have you applied" question. So, what'e the best way to respond to this question in an interview? I mean, we don't throw all of our eggs into one basket, and in reality there are probably a handful of carriers we are targeting and would be happy to work for. I'm sure the interviewers know this. The truthful answer would likely be to say "I'd accept the class date, then consider my options if YOU offer a class date". I assume this will go over like a fart in church. How would you answer?
It's always good to have a couple interviews to talk about. Just don't tell them you've interviewed at really good companies. Then you can simply say "I'd accept your company's class date and turn down the other offer".
If I'm interviewing at a stepping stone type job and xxx airline is UPS/Fedex etc I'd tell them that I would regretfully have to turn down the class date and withdrawal my acceptance letter. Answering any other way would make you look like a liar, and HR sees right through that.
Now if xxx is another stepping stone type job that offered me a class date I would tell them I would turn it down and that they are obviously my first choice. Perfect opportunity to start talking about why you believe their operation is first class and ran better and the next one. Interviewers love it when you talk about the people you would be working with and safety. (They like hearing these things because they hired these people) You could use this as a segway to discuss how many great things you have heard about the people at yyyyyy airline and how their safety record is second to none. You could even say that you know these things because xxxxxx (person who wrote you a internal letter) has spoken in depth with you about the company.
easy, your turnign it down for the one your currently interviewing with period!

You think anyone would believe that you would turn down FedEx for Colgan?

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