Controllers everywhere are continually being dumbed down. As they retire, the experienced, situationally-aware controllers are being replaced with inexperienced controllers who do not understand that the screen in front of them represents actual airplanes that have limits and cannot go from 30K feet to 20K feet in 3 miles and at 200kts. They are not bad people, they are just getting in over their heads and getting overwhelmed sometimes. I see it everywhere...not just in Indiana. Prior posters are right...just fly your airplane where you need to and advise them or say 'unable' when they screw it up. It's not that big of a deal...the sky is big and airplanes are small and we all have TCAS these days. Just do what you got to do and let them know when you do and be nice and professional. We are on a higher professional tier and we need to act that way.