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What happened to The Whites?

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What's it doing now?
May 1, 2003
They're gone! I'm guessing the PC Police deleted the story, but it sure was hilarious! I just wish I'd cut and pasted it to a file before they got to it.

Merry Christmas everyone
The FAA should be looking for those pilots, taking a bunch of birds on control surfaces and then taking off with only a preflight! Not the safest or most legal thing to do. Funny story, till that part. Idiots abound............
750Driver your bunghole must be bleeding from being so anal. You are such a prick. Why don't you sit back and take a shot of whiskey and wash it down with a beer and than fire up a big joint and get high. Go grab a bag of cheetos and some baby oil and do what you do best when you watch J LO bend over. Otherwords just chill.
289edwhite said:
750Driver your bunghole must be bleeding from being so anal. You are such a prick. Why don't you sit back and take a shot of whiskey and wash it down with a beer and than fire up a big joint and get high. Go grab a bag of cheetos and some baby oil and do what you do best when you watch J LO bend over. Otherwords just chill.

Given that they were in Mexico, I'd be surprised if they had any resources available to them besides a basic preflight. Let's be optimistic for a change and assume they did a very thorough visual inspection and decided the damage was cosmetic and they could safely fly an empty airplane home. And as much as we may disect what they did and declare that we would've done things differently, we weren't there and until we're in that situation we don't know for sure what we'd do. After the crap that crew put up with I can't say I blame them for wanting to get home as quickly as they could.

I hate politcal correctness, that was a funny story
ProFracPilot said:
They're gone! I'm guessing the PC Police deleted the story, but it sure was hilarious! I just wish I'd cut and pasted it to a file before they got to it.
Merry Christmas everyone
The Whites, they split when the pinks, browns and the blacks moved in.;)

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