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We aren't really pilots

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Active member
May 22, 2003
Okay, I've had about enough of all of the fellow pilot bashing ... for now. ;) So in the spirit of lightening things up a bit and giving us something else to bash, get a load of what someone said to me last week:

A friend of a friend of a friend heard that I was a pilot. Soon I was the center of conversation amongst about 5 people, and I felt like I was in the middle of an E F Hutton commercial. They asked various questions and I answered politely. One of them then asked what kind of plane I flew. Knowing that any real detail would be over their heads, I just said "a turboprop, that is one that has propellers." "One of those puddle-jumpers, then right?" someone asked. Taking it in stride, I just nodded and said "yeah, they've been called that a time or two."


"Oh then you're not a REAL airline pilot are you?"

Immediately I recalled all of what I've been through to get to the "puddle-jumpers", all that I've sacrificed, all that I've spent. After a couple of secondsI came back to reality. For one of the few times in my life, I didn't know what to say. I was hosed: the E F Hutton commercial had broken, the others were suddenly no longer interested and only one person was looking for my answer.

"Well I wear a uniform and a hat." And I got up and left the room, politely.

Sooooo...there you have it. Struggle for years, pay out the a$$ for training/time building, suffer through the insults of crusty types, and you too can NOT be a "real airline pilot."

Uuuggghhh. I'm done for the day.
Sorry to be the voice of unconcerned contentment (and this really should go without saying), but who really cares about what those guys say?

Try this: Next time your flying over a major metro area at 7 am or 6 pm, look down and check out the traffic. Key the hot-mic, look at your other crew-member and in your best Simpson's voice repeat after me: "HA - HAH!" Remind yourself, you chose well.

Sunset at 20,000 feet. Remind yourself, you chose well.

Shooting an approach down to minimums (the runway enviro. stuff, 100 feet above TDZE action). Remind yourself, you chose well.

Having the F/A ding you upfront and ask you if there's anything you guys need, "coffee? cookie?" Remind yourself, you chose well.

There is a reason that after a while pilots have a hard time talking to anyone else besides other pilots.

Anyway, enjoy the view...
Why waste you're time talking to whuffo's.

I had the same thing happen when I was stranded in this small town during 9/11. Some roadies that worked for a musical were in the bar one evening and we got to chatting. They did the same thing to me when I tried to tell them what I did for a living.

Freaking roadies talking that "you're not a real pilot" thing. I don't waste my time talking to whuffo's much anymore.
I know what you mean....

Twice I had people say that too me....

1. On day back in 2000 my old traffic watch boss asked me to cover a flight for him, when I returned to the FBO I ran into an old student who indroduced me to a girl he was taking flying. He told her that I flew Dash 8's for US Air and introduced her to me as a US Air FA. She asked me where I was based and I said ABE.

After the short intro my friend (who was not familar with the airline structure) made a comment about me and her flying a trip together. Well you guessed it I got the "we don't fly the prop planes, there not the real US Air", I was just like "have a good flight, bla bla bla" and went on my way.

2. Had the wife of a military/AA pilot tell me in a conversation with a group of people that I wasn't qualified to fly jets because I wasn't military trained and didn't go to college.


Not too long ago I was in a food court with my Capt eating and this guy starts talking to us about the airlines and 911. At some point in the conversation he says something like "what were thoes pilots thinking, letting the terrorists take over the planes like that", now I hide from pax in the terminal.
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As a brand new FO years ago, I had to suffer through this one more than once:

Me: I'm a first officer for Acme Airline.
Other person: Oh, so you're just the pilot's helper. You don't actually fly the plane.

Haha...what that fa said was ignorant. My neighbor is an FA for NWA that lives across the street. I'll be grilling steaks in shorts and teva's with big drink in my hand as she is toting her luggage out to her car to drive to work for her trip. As she goes by, I always say "you work WEEKENDS?" or "you work HOLIDAYS?"

She knows I wear the uniform of a professional aviator...but yet it seems like I'm home all the time. HMMMM. MAYBE I'm not a REAL pilot?
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Sitting next to a fellow on a DH. His first question was if I was a pilot? I guess the uniform gave it away. His next question was what do I fly? I told him. Next statement was. So you fly a little plane? I said yes. When you get some experience will you fly a real plane? I said no I like my job and make a nice living and I'm happy with my life. Next I inquired about his profession. He stated he was a Attorney. I asked him if it was a large firm? He stated it comprised 4 attorneys. I stated " Thats great, when you get some experience think you can get a job with a big firm that handles important case law? Silence the rest of the leg.

P.S.- Work's everytime, even with egotistical airline pilots. Especially the one's with the large watches and 400.00$ roll around monogrammed overnight bag.:)
Old 747 FE geezer type comes up to the flight deck one day while we were parked at the gate to check in for the jumpseat.. as he is talking to the Captain (ignoring me, the lowly FO) he says... "you guys 135?

I always love when passengers come onboard and say.. "aw, it's one of those little planes".. (bigger than a DC9-10 series).

While standing in line at the Starbucks, the guy in front of me wearing a $2000 suit turns and asks if I was a pilot? Yes... (ok, Einstein)....the coffee girl asks us both what we wanted at the same time..we tell her... as I pull my wallet out to pay he jokingly tells her.. "The Captain is paying for mine".. I started laughing and he says to me.. "C'mon you're making the big bucks". I gave him an evil grin.. (buddy you have no clue)

>Especially the one's with the large watches and 400.00$ roll around monogrammed overnight bag.<

My fake large watch with the gold rubbing off on my wrist and my monogrammed overnight bag was paid for by my second job:

Mowing lawns for _________ (fill in the blank)
Attorney comeback

Catbird said:
He stated he was a Attorney. I asked him if it was a large firm? He stated it comprised 4 attorneys. I stated " Thats great, when you get some experience think you can get a job with a big firm that handles important case law? Silence the rest of the leg.
Good comeback. He had that coming. I work in a four-attorney lawfirm, by the way.

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