I guess our union brothers and sisters at FLOPS must be getting to all the "low lives" that are doing overtime for the company. Mr. T. has been running around the OCC trying to find out how someone has hacked into the CAMP program. This is hilarious. Our VP of flight is so concerned that we may find out who is doing overtime when maybe he should be sitting at the bargaining table and not falling asleep, not doing crossword puzzles, or not taking personal phone calls. People if you are doing overtime there is no need to go running to Bob sniveling and whining to him that you are afraid someone might find out. Someone will always find out if you do overtime. The first place you should look is the person sitting next to you in the plane. Most will rat you out in a second. Second place you should look is in the mirror. the people I know that are doing overtime act like they have something to hide. That is good because deep down you know it is wrong to be doing overtime right now and the guilt is catching up to you. I have yet to meet someone that is proud to be doing overtime. Maybe thats why there isn't a thread on the FLOPS www.IBT1108.org titled "I'm doing OT and proud of it". So guys if you want the respect of your coworkers, and peers please knock it off with the overtime. Friends will outlast any manager at this place. Don't piss off your friends.