They really shouldn't have, but they can't stop aviation growth. Economics over safety every time, thats the American way and the FAA way.
Thats why I said I make my own rules and over the years I've flown with dozens of pilots, world-wide, part 91 135 and 121, who do it all a little differently. No matter what manufacturers say about visible moisture or known icing, no matter what the FAA says via regulation or AIM recommendations, or what any other pilot says.......there's just to much of a wide range of situations where icing can happen. It happens even when it IS NOT supposed to happen.
So when in doubt, use it. I use it anytime the temp is 10c or less with vis less than 6 and any haze or clouds, thats it. Even when flying in the clear with that temp and vis, its good to just hit the switch. Its free.
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